Mass/Reconciliation Preparation and Thanksgiving

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Hi out there -

I have been looking for some time for a suitable Preparation for Mass and Holy Communion, and thanksgiving after Mass and Holy Communion. Also the same for The Sacrament of Reconciliation. A short,concise, daily examen (examination of conscience) would also be helpful…
It has occured to me that someone out there may know of a
book(s) and/or website(s) that might assist me. I have had a look at the internet, but to date nothing that quite says “this is the one”. I am quite a distance from our Catholic Bookshop, but they will order in and post to me.
Thanks all -
Regards… on wings…
South Australia
Thur.7.4.05 7.59am
Dear Barb

I love your signature! That’s my way of thinking!🙂

I have a little prayer book and in that there are prayers for before and after Mass. It’s really late here 23.49pm, so I’m off to bed but if you like I can type them out for you tomorrow, that is unless you get the reply you are looking for before then

God Bless you Barb and much love and peace to you

Dear Barb

I love your signature! That’s my way of thinking!🙂

I have a little prayer book and in that there are prayers for before and after Mass. It’s really late here 23.49pm, so I’m off to bed but if you like I can type them out for you tomorrow, that is unless you get the reply you are looking for before then

God Bless you Barb and much love and peace to you

Hi there Teresa…we met on another thread…good to seeya again! Teresa, please don’t go to any trouble for me. I have a couple of websites to look into…also I think I will make time to make the trip into St. Paul’s Bookshop in Adelaide town centre, catch up with friends there…and have a browse. But if it would be no trouble to you, I would be very grateful. Just looking for that preparation etc. etc. that sorta says to one ’ this is it’.
Yes! I rather liked the signature, which is actually a quote from somewhere or other. I keep a book called ‘Thoughts’ some quotes, some mine…interesting as time passes to look back and see the path behind more or less! Great to catcha again, Teresa.
South Australia
Thur. 7.4.05 6.35pm
John Russell Jr:
Hi John Russel Jr - thank you muchly for the websites…I think either we have met on the Board before, or I have been reading your threads/posts - either way I remember the name and thank you for your time -

South Australia
Thur. 7.4.05 6.44pm
the Daily Roman Missal has prayers and meditations before and after communion
the Daily Roman Missal has prayers and meditations before and after communion
Hi to you puzzleannie -
I think we have met on another thread too … or else I have been reading your threads/posts. Thank you for the response - I have the Daily Missal and yes, I know it has these prayers in it.
Thanks you for taking the time to reply -
South Australia
Thur. 7.4.05 7.08pm
Hi there Teresa…we met on another thread…good to seeya again! Teresa, please don’t go to any trouble for me. I have a couple of websites to look into…also I think I will make time to make the trip into St. Paul’s Bookshop in Adelaide town centre, catch up with friends there…and have a browse. But if it would be no trouble to you, I would be very grateful. Just looking for that preparation etc. etc. that sorta says to one ’ this is it’.
Yes! I rather liked the signature, which is actually a quote from somewhere or other. I keep a book called ‘Thoughts’ some quotes, some mine…interesting as time passes to look back and see the path behind more or less! Great to catcha again, Teresa.
South Australia
Thur. 7.4.05 6.35pm
Dear friend

Hi there Barb, good to catch you again as well. I used to keep a quote book mostly of things my friends said, which is very amusing to look back on ie…all of my friends comment regularly on my hair, which is long, curly and thick black hair as well as untameable here’s a couple of their quotes…‘your hair is hair of biblical proportions!’, ‘with hair like that you could wear a loin cloth and baptise in the river Jordan’, ‘things that defy gravity…Teresa’s hair’ and ‘things visible from space, Great Wall of China and Teresa’s hair’ 😃 ! I also write down some pretty funny newspaper headlines…some stuff from quotes is more philosophical and sensible.

Ok Barb, in my next post I’ll post up those prayers, I hope they are ok and what you are looking for…enjoy!

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Preparing for confession

Before confession

Almighty and merciful God, You have brought me here in the name of your Son to receive your mercy and grace in my time of need. Open my eyes to see the evil I have done. Touch my heart and convert me to yourself. Where sin separated me from you, may your love unite me to you again: where sin has brought weakness, may your power heal and strengthen; where sin has brought death, may your Spirit raise new life. Give me a new heart to love you, so that my life may reflect the image of your Son. May the world see the glory of Christ revealed in your Church, and come to know that He is the One Whom you have sent, Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord. Amen.

Then follows an examination of conscience based on the commandments of Christ.

‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’

*When making important decisions about my way of life, have I put God first?

*Am I so caught up with getting on in this world that I give no thought to the things of God

*Have I risked losing my faith through pride or cowardice

*Have I really trusted God, especially in times of difficulty

Etc etc…(I can type all of this out if you like Barb, I don’t know whether you want all of the questions of reflection on sins, just say and I’ll do it )
After Confession

Father, in your love you have brought me from evil to good and from misery to happiness. Through your blessing give me courage and perseverance. Amen.

This little book then suggest that personal thanks and praise be given to God.

Before Holy Communion

Prayer for help : O God, help me to make a good Communion. Mary, my dearest Mother, pray to Jesus for me. My dear Angel Guardian, lead me to the Altar of God.

Act of Faith: O God, because you have said it, I believe that I shall receive the Sacred Body of Jesus Christ to eat, and His Precious Blood to drink. My God, I believe this with all my heart.

Act of Humility: My God, I confess that I am a poor sinner; I am not worthy to receive the Body and Blood of Jesus, on account of all my sins. Lord I am not worthy to receive you under my roof; but only say the word and my soul will be healed.

Act of Sorrow: My God. I detest all the sins of my life. I am sorry for them, because they have offended you, my God, you who are so good. I resolve never to commit sin any more. My good God, pity me, have mercy on me, forgive me.

Act of Adoration: O Jesus, great God, present on the Altar, I bow down before you, I adore you.

Act of Love and Desire: Jesus, I love you. I desire with all my heart to receive you. Jesus, come into my poor soul, and give me your Flesh to eat and your Blood to drink. Give me your whole Self, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, that I may live forever with you.
After Confession

Father, in your love you have brought me from evil to good and from misery to happiness. Through your blessing give me courage and perseverance. Amen.

This little book then suggest that personal thanks and praise be given to God.

Before Holy Communion

Prayer for help : O God, help me to make a good Communion. Mary, my dearest Mother, pray to Jesus for me. My dear Angel Guardian, lead me to the Altar of God.

Act of Faith: O God, because you have said it, I believe that I shall receive the Sacred Body of Jesus Christ to eat, and His Precious Blood to drink. My God, I believe this with all my heart.

Act of Humility: My God, I confess that I am a poor sinner; I am not worthy to receive the Body and Blood of Jesus, on account of all my sins. Lord I am not worthy to receive you under my roof; but only say the word and my soul will be healed.

Act of Sorrow: My God. I detest all the sins of my life. I am sorry for them, because they have offended you, my God, you who are so good. I resolve never to commit sin any more. My good God, pity me, have mercy on me, forgive me.

Act of Adoration: O Jesus, great God, present on the Altar, I bow down before you, I adore you.

Act of Love and Desire: Jesus, I love you. I desire with all my heart to receive you. Jesus, come into my poor soul, and give me your Flesh to eat and your Blood to drink. Give me your whole Self, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, that I may live forever with you.
Hello again, Fresh Air!
Springbreeze, you remind me of one of my quotes: “If we consider ourselves least of all, then the day will come thru dark purification that is a revelation of the Majesty of God in filial Fear of The Lord that we are indeed least of all - and the ocean of God’s Loving Mercy will embrace us revealing His very personal Love for us and His Abundant Mercy and humility in truth will take seed”

Thank you for the above prayers Fresh Air - they say much about you. I will use them as I arrive to depart.

Bethany Place Sth Aust
Sat. 9.4.05 Hail Mary! 11.14am
Dear Barb

Your welcome and I love the nickname 😃 :rotfl: .

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Fresh Air! 😃
Hi there Fresh Air . . .

I really should not be at my PC Teresa, but I rather fell over your post more or less and can’t resist this before I turn to other things!..mmmm your hairstyle does sound interesting…mine is a complete and total drag!:mad: I hate washing my hair because I have to blow dry it to tame it…went up the Post Office once in a hurrry without blow drying it and the Postmistress said “Barb, you’ve had your hair permed!” “Nah, just haven’t blow dried it!”…but it did have many smiles over your friends comments re your hair! …
Thank you for the prayers, which I rather liked as aspirations one could learn by heart without too much effort and I found them something that appealled to me …
Tomorrow I head into Adelaide all being well to have a browse as I’d like to buy a book for a friend who is ill, perhaps one for myself and also see if I can find a prayer book with a preparation etc. for Reconciliation etc. etc. plus your aspirations!

I’m glad you liked my nickname for you - perhaps originally I should have chose not Brabble but Brubble 😃 … for obvious reasons!.. I have two nicknames when I ponder…there is Babs and also Barbie…tho be I no Barbie doll by one heck of a long long shot!:eek:

I’ll let you know if I find a Prayer Book suitable . . . one with every occasion prayers would be great too! it looks as if I’ll be eating fritz sandwiches with tomatoe sauce :yup: for at least six weeks to pay for my shopping expedition to Pauline Bookshop tomorrow…don’t mind one bit!:tiphat:

Catcha Fresh Air -
Bethany Place, South Australia
Sunday 10th. April, 2005 10.04pm
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