Massachusetts Superintendent Instructs Schools: Parents Do Not Have to be Informed Ab

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Obviously, this person does not know Federal Law:
Massachusetts Superintendent Instructs Schools: Parents Do Not Have to be Informed About “Diversity” Classes

LEXINGTON, Mass, September 26, 2005 ( – After a Massachusetts school board decided to incorporate so-called diversity training in its classes, which includes indoctrination in the homosexual lifestyle, local superintendent Paul Ash notified schools that parents need not be contacted about the program.

Full Story
Expect this one to end up in Federal Courts on more than one count.

He probably figured since his senator does not have to follow his church’s laws, he does not have to follow his country’s laws. :mad:
Those who have standing in this case should contact the Federal Prosecutors for their area. This must not be let to stand. Only prosecutions by the Federal Authorities will reign the Culture of Perversion in.

He probably figured since his senator does not have to follow his church’s laws, he does not have to follow his country’s laws. :mad:
You said a mouthful! It just gets worse and worse here in MA.:mad:
Beyond the pale. Oh, and by the way, two homosexuals and their adopted children do not a “family” make. What it makes is a farce and a mockery.
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