Another attempt to get judicial activism to legistlate:
LifeNews.com Editor
February 1, 2006
**Boston, MA (LifeNews.com) – **Three Massachusetts women, with the backing of leading pro-abortion organizations, have filed a lawsuit against Wal-Mart because the nation’s top retailer does not carry the morning after pills, which can sometimes cause an abortion.
An attorney in the case did not have more details, including the names of the women who sued, but told the Boston Globe newspaper the lawsuit is based on long-standing pharmacy regulations in the state.
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by Steven ErteltMassachusetts Women File Lawsuit Against Wal-Mart Over Plan B Drugs
LifeNews.com Editor
February 1, 2006
**Boston, MA (LifeNews.com) – **Three Massachusetts women, with the backing of leading pro-abortion organizations, have filed a lawsuit against Wal-Mart because the nation’s top retailer does not carry the morning after pills, which can sometimes cause an abortion.
An attorney in the case did not have more details, including the names of the women who sued, but told the Boston Globe newspaper the lawsuit is based on long-standing pharmacy regulations in the state.
Fulll Story PF