Massive Rosary Rally planned for USA

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First it was Poland, then it was Ireland, next came the UK. Now it’s America’s turn to gather the faithful along the borders of this great nation, armed with the most powerful weapon in our arsenal against the steady encroachment of evil in our day – the Rosary.

Rosary Coast to Coast is planning what is expected to be a massive Rosary campaign in the U.S. on October 7, 2018. The event will begin with a 54 Day Rosary Novena for our nation, beginning August 15, 2018, and end with rallies throughout the country, on our borders, and at the U.S. Capitol of October 7…
For more see HERE
What a great article! Hope this will spread and become an opportunity in the United States and in the world – to return to God!

The Rosary is a powerful prayer in which we ponder the Mysteries in the Life, Death, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus as well as the life of His Mother and the beginnings of the Church.
I was happy to read it also, and happy to be able to share it. Thanks for your reply. Did you read the article? It is true. 🙂
Thanks for publicizing this, I have sent it out to my family and friends. I also set a reminder on my phone!
Father Heilman does stuff like this all the time. I can never figure out why more people from here aren’t on the bandwagon right along, as literally thousands of people sign up online. Last year we did 54 days of Holy Face chaplet and then 54 days of rosary in the annual “Novena For Our Nation” ending with a prayer rally in DC where they gave out swag bags containing (among other things) salt blessed by Fr. Z. He also does Nineveh 90 every year.

For some reason Fr. Heilman isn’t posting about this Rosary plan yet in his usual group, although it’s being publicized in many articles. I wonder what’s up with that? I left him a comment in his group asking why he wasn’t posting about the Rosary yet as this is about the third article I’ve read now and still no post.

Also, we had a 50-state USA Rosary last year that I and the organizer posted about more than once. It was organized by a couple people from Church Militant. I think CajunJoy joined for her state, but other than that it seemed to just fall on deaf ears on this forum. I joined for the state of Delaware and ended up praying all by myself in front of the giant Mary Queen of Peace statue. I’m glad to see people getting interested in saying a Rosary whenever they wish to say it, but I can’t figure out how this one is different from the past chances y’all have had to join in these Rosaries for USA. Oh well.
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I honestly did not hear about it last year, and must have missed it posted on CAF. I think it depends on what sub-forum you frequent whether you see things or not. But now I do a more even across the board reading than I used to.

Anyway, I checked and the closest one to me as an organized group is 2 hours away. So far. I will check back again.
It’s okay, I know there’s a lot of noise on these forums. I also know that some people see “LifeSiteNews” or “Church Militant” and immediately scroll to the next thread.

I just mention it because about 6 times people have posted on different threads wondering when the US will have a rosary rally, when there was actually this one that many people joined (after the LifeSiteNews article they got WAY more than just 53 people/ groups) and Fr. Heilman is doing them all the time.
Good, Agatha – there is much to ponder, to pray for and to work toward, by God’s Grace – in this article. Thanks for reading it.
Even if one cannot take part in a Rally, praying the Rosary every day is still an important devotion, and by God’s Grace we can surely try to do that. 🙂
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