Masturbation count

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How would I confess for the sin of masturbation if I do not know the amount of times I have committed it? I’m embarrassed about this sin greatly

Would I confess frequency instead?
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Something like “About once a week for 2 months” or “Every day for about 2 years” would work.

Just confess it and then when you’re tempted to do it, remember how embarrassing it was having to confess it. That’s what got me to stop.
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remember how embarrassing it was having to confess it
No, the hardest thing is to avoid it… Well, I will not say whether or not I have managed to become chaste… But just wanted to note that I have no problems to talk about that in appropriate setting and with appropriate people. E.g. with psychotherapist.
Some of us don’t have as hard of a time avoiding it, because we weren’t doing it that frequently and didn’t have an addiction to it.

It’s like how some people find it pretty easy to stop drinking. Others need to go through extensive rehab.
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