This is a little long. I start with materialism:
Materialism simply states that everything is simply material and matter move by laws of nature. There however exists an anomaly in this world view so call mind. They argue that mind emerge from matter. This however leads to epiphnomalism which means there is no use for mind. That is true because any state of affair leads to another state of affair only by laws of nature. We however know by fact that mind contribute in changes hence materialism cannot be correct.
We then discuss idealism:
Idealism simply state that mind is only real and what we experience is mere idea. There is however a problem in this world view which states that is illusion so it could vanishes. This means that we need an intervention of God to create and sustain ideas. The act of creation is eternal whereas the act of sustaining is sequential. This is however is logically impossible because you cannot have eternal and sequential acts in the same reference view. Hence idealism is false.
The only alternative is realism which claims that both matter and mind are real. Matter moves based on laws of nature and intervention of mind. Mind simply allows the experience, decision and act.
Materialism simply states that everything is simply material and matter move by laws of nature. There however exists an anomaly in this world view so call mind. They argue that mind emerge from matter. This however leads to epiphnomalism which means there is no use for mind. That is true because any state of affair leads to another state of affair only by laws of nature. We however know by fact that mind contribute in changes hence materialism cannot be correct.
We then discuss idealism:
Idealism simply state that mind is only real and what we experience is mere idea. There is however a problem in this world view which states that is illusion so it could vanishes. This means that we need an intervention of God to create and sustain ideas. The act of creation is eternal whereas the act of sustaining is sequential. This is however is logically impossible because you cannot have eternal and sequential acts in the same reference view. Hence idealism is false.
The only alternative is realism which claims that both matter and mind are real. Matter moves based on laws of nature and intervention of mind. Mind simply allows the experience, decision and act.