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Pope John Paul II had stated that materialism is hampering the Western world.
(I get this impression from his talks and writings).

I am having difficulity in determining just How much is TOO much? (I am single and I really don’t need too much).
Yesterday, I was encountered with a spiritual warfare going on within me.
It is a extreme feeling/impression I am having. How do I discern this?
I have prayed in front of the Blessed Sacrament.

Is anyone else having trouble with materialism? Please add your comments here!
I think when you put your love of stuff over love of God it is too much. For example, some people go on the pill so they won’t have the expense of extra children and they can have more luxuries. Some are called to a vocation but they ignore the call because they’d rather have a lot of money than live in a rectory. Stuff like that.
Think about the pope. He didn’t have any personal possessions to give away in his will!!! This is a man who lead an organization of over a billion, had more influence on politics and culture than any other single person in the world, drew crowds in numbers that have never been duplicated, toppled governments, and he didn’t have a penny to call his own. That is a marvelous testament to putting faith in God to take care of you so you can focus on His will.
I think when you put your love of stuff over love of God it is too much. For example, some people go on the pill so they won’t have the expense of extra children and they can have more luxuries. Some are called to a vocation but they ignore the call because they’d rather have a lot of money than live in a rectory. Stuff like that.
Yes, I agree.
But you would have to include the root of the materialism would be ‘selfishness’. Do we really care about those who have less?
More is less. For me, material items seems to distract me from my relationship with God: a temptation to do other things than concentrate on God. I have tems that I haven’t even looked at: i.e. a DVD or a book that I haven’t even bother to look at. It is just here taking space.
I look at someof the things I have and ask: Is this really going to help Me? I don’t want to ‘vuild bigger barns’ Yet have the approach of 'if your right and causes you to sin…" If the items I have could cause me to sin (take away my focus on God), should I just get rid of them?
Think about the pope. He didn’t have any personal possessions to give away in his will!!! This is a man who lead an organization of over a billion, had more influence on politics and culture than any other single person in the world, drew crowds in numbers that have never been duplicated, toppled governments, and he didn’t have a penny to call his own. That is a marvelous testament to putting faith in God to take care of you so you can focus on His will.
I agree Scott,
My father died in my care, and all HE HAD was a few pairs of pants and a few shirts.
I would like to die somewhat like that. Not to worry about ‘things’ and who will take care of all of this after I am gone.
For a good example on how bad it is in the US watch MTV Cribs once. It’s a good example of Materialism at it’s worst.
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