Matthew chapter 5 verses 17&18

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17Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
18For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
Someone I am converseing with has said that what Christ meant was that we are to still keep the law of Moses. She says the word in verse 17 that is translated (fulfil) means (enforce). I know this is the same position of the Judaizers that were dealt with in Galations but I am wondering if anyone has any thoughts on this before I answer her.


who said it, in what context did she say it, with what authority is she interpreting scripture, what is the context of the surrounding verses, where did she get this interpretation, what is her knowledge of other verses on this topic. What she says has no value at all without authority. Has she been personally designated by the Holy Spirit to interpret scripture and teach its meaning to others?
who said it, in what context did she say it, with what authority is she interpreting scripture, what is the context of the surrounding verses, where did she get this interpretation, what is her knowledge of other verses on this topic. What she says has no value at all without authority. Has she been personally designated by the Holy Spirit to interpret scripture and teach its meaning to others?
In the context of Messianic Judaism ( a protestant schism). She has told me that she came to believe that the Church is “Israel” (meaning the Jews) and gentiles are “grafted into Israel”. She believes that we are still under the “Law” and Christianity got off track toward the end of the first century and then was entirely hijacked in the third century by Constantine. She came to this conclusion (or so she says) by reading the bible on her own without any outside influence. The crazy thing is she has claimed this talent for years and has had a whole myriad of contradictory beliefs, this Messianic Judism (I like to call it Judism Lite) being the latest.

With this in mind, any thoughts on the Galations?

mom 07:
With this in mind, any thoughts on the Galations?
I meant Matthew 5: 17&18, of course. I have Galations on my mind because I am working my way through it.

In the verses following Matthew 5:17 and 18, Jesus explains what he means by fulfil. Jesus perfects the moral commands of the Law and the Prophets, making them even more strict: the command against murder is perfected in the command against anger; the command against adultery is perfected in the command against indulging in lustful thoughts, etc.

Galatians should be sufficient. However, if you would like additional passages, the following might also be helpful.

Matthew 19:16-19 where Jesus tells us which commandments of the Old Law must be kept in order to enter life. They are the moral laws of the Old Testament; none of the commandments regarding the sabbath, circumcision, dietary regulations, animal sacrifices, etc. is mentioned,

Mark 7:14-22 where Jesus tells us that only things that come out of the heart of a man can defile him; nothing a man touches or eats can defile him.

Acts 15 where the Apostles and presbyters met in council in Jerusalem and decided Gentile converts at the time should not be forced to keep most of the Mosaic Law.

Colossians 2, where Paul speaks against Judaizers, especially Colossians 2:16-17:

16Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a sabbath. 17These are only a shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ.
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