Please give me anything you have on Max Lucado and his beliefs, his writings, and whether or not he is anti-Catholic. Thanks…God Love you all. Jay
I regularly attended church at a “confessing” Church of Christ before returning to the Catholic faith. The confessing movement is very open. In COC circles they are known as the “liberals.” Communion is open to all who confess Christ. The pastor, who was never a Roman catholic, believed it was literally the body and blood of Christ because God’s word said that plainly (he didn’t take a metaphorical view). Water baptism by immersion, after one has been “discipled” and invoking the Trinity is seen as normative for salvation unlike most other Evangelicals. They saw themselves as a restoration movement and rejected denominationalism. Music was normally sung a cappella. They were very dedicated and sincere Christians and I continue to hold them in high esteem. Max Lucado is a good man who loves Jesus Christ. He does not lash out against Catholics as some non-Catholic Christians do.he is a church of christ pastor, very evangelical, somewhat reformed, somewhat fundamentalist. he is not anti-catholic (but since he is protestant he must have some disagreements with the church but i’m sure they are charitable). church of christ agrees with the catholic church on the regenerative power in baptism and they go so far as to say that you cannot be “saved” unless you are baptized. some, hardcore, church of christ people will say the pope is the antichrist and the church is the whore of babylon but not max.