***Why and How Canadians Should Refuse to Recognize C-38
Douglas Farrow, Associate Professor McGill University
When I gave testimony before the Legislative Committee on C-38 on June 7th (the brief is available at www.enshrinemarriage.ca/english/news.aspx) I told the committee that, were C-38 to be passed, I for one would not recognize it as a valid law. That is a position I now urge on my fellow-Canadians and, in particular, on the representatives of religious and ethnic communities, from whom courageous leadership is required.
This position is not the result of resentment, though it would be easy enough to allow resentment to prevail: resentment of the shameless machinations of lobbyists, lawyers, courts, political parties, media lords, and government officials high and low, who (with praiseworthy exceptions) made every effort to see that Canadians never really understood what is at stake in same-sex marriage, and who in the end simply ignored the great many Canadians who do. And, yes, resentment too of the placing of personal and party interests ahead of the public good even by supposed stalwarts of the promarriage movement in the Commons, who must bear their share of responsibility for the passage of C-38. But I will not dwell on these things. One day someone will document them and the sorry tale of the manipulators and the manipulated will be told, to our collective shame.
The present moment, however, cries out for a constructive response to C-38. That response should begin with a refusal to recognize C-38 as a valid law and a refusal to cooperate with the impending C-38 regime. This, I submit, is the most constructive response available, and though it entails a form of civil disobedience it must not be confused with rebellion or anarchy or even with libertarianism. I will try to give some account of it, offering an *apologia *in two parts before making particular recommendations about its implementation. In conclusion I will allude to positive steps towards the rebuilding of our social and political culture, but the task of rebuilding requires first of all a clear “No” to C-38.
Read more here.