When is it acceptable to incorporate your significant other for your future plans?
Long story short, I need to make a decision for my military career (either go active duty [stationed away] or national guard [stationed home]).
I’ve always wanted to go active duty infantry, but ever since she’s arrived in my life, I’m completely head over heels for her. She’s truly the best thing to ever happen, but that does that mean I should abandon my dreams?
We’ve talked about it, which led to a lot of tears. If I choose active, she can’t follow (which is understandable, considering she’s a highly motivated overachiever, working towards finishing her chemical engineering degree).
Where is the point to where you think solely of ‘what’s best for me’ to ‘what’s best for us?’
(Background: Both 21. Graduate next year. Dating for 7 months. Best friends since freshman year of high school. Literally perfect.)
Long story short, I need to make a decision for my military career (either go active duty [stationed away] or national guard [stationed home]).
I’ve always wanted to go active duty infantry, but ever since she’s arrived in my life, I’m completely head over heels for her. She’s truly the best thing to ever happen, but that does that mean I should abandon my dreams?
We’ve talked about it, which led to a lot of tears. If I choose active, she can’t follow (which is understandable, considering she’s a highly motivated overachiever, working towards finishing her chemical engineering degree).
Where is the point to where you think solely of ‘what’s best for me’ to ‘what’s best for us?’
(Background: Both 21. Graduate next year. Dating for 7 months. Best friends since freshman year of high school. Literally perfect.)