Meaning of Holy

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After a few brief exchanges on the Politics Forum, a “controversy” came up with regards to the meaning of holiness. Some appear to be under the impression that holiness is synonymous with atoned. The Church teaches that the final atonement doesn’t occur until after death, however, Christ called us to be holy during our pilgramage here on earth. By holy, He means, “set apart”. Are we not called out of the world to live in union with Christ and the Holy Spirit in the sacremental life? Did not Christ command us to be “in the world, but not of the world”. Doesn’t this very definition imply being “set apart”? If we are obedient to the will of Christ, are we by that very virtue “set apart” for the sake of the Gospel? I’d be interested in hearing feedback regarding this.
Holy is having Divine qualities. When we live our lives in accord with God’s will, we are living holy lives, that is lives in and with God.

For those they get to heaven, they have it in a more complete extent in the degree that they are united with God and cleansed of their human imperfections.
To me, holiness is equivalent to sanctification, which is a growth in sanctifying grace, which is an increase in our likeness to God. Non-Catholics may not all recognize the concept of grace as a reality–a real sharing in the life of God, so you might be talking at cross purposes.
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