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My neighbour has just shown me a medal from her childhoodn it has a picture of a San Luis Gonzaga on one side and on the other a Latin inscription that reads MARIA SINE LABE CONCEPTA O. PRONOBIS AD TE CONFUGIENTIBUS.

Can anyone translate the Latin please.

Thank you.
My neighbour has just shown me a medal from her childhoodn it has a picture of a San Luis Gonzaga on one side and on the other a Latin inscription that reads MARIA SINE LABE CONCEPTA O. PRONOBIS AD TE CONFUGIENTIBUS.

Can anyone translate the Latin please.
It translate to:
O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to you
And, no, I did not translate it. I found a site with the metal and translation.

Now in the 1000 Post Club
Maria sine labe concepta, ora pro nobis, qui confugimus ad te; O Refugium peccatorum, Mater agonizantium, noli nos derelinquere in hora exitus nostri, sed impetra nobis dolorem perfectum, sinceram contritionem, remissionem peccatorum nostrorum, sanctissimi Viatici dignam receptionem, Extremae Unctionis Sacramenti corroborationem, ut magis securi praesentari valeamus ante thronum iusti sed et misericordis Iudicis, Dei et Redemptoris nostri. Amen

Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee; O refuge of sinners, Mother of the dying; forsake us not at the hour of our death; obtain for us the grace of perfect sorrow, sincere contrition, the pardon and remission of our sins, a worthy receiving of the holy Viaticum, and the comfort of the Sacrament of Extreme Unction, in order that we may appear with greater security before the throne of the just but merciful Judge, our God and Redeemer. Amen.

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