Media Attacks The Church?

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Do you think the media has an agenda to ruin the Catholic Church?
Do you think the media has an agenda to ruin the Catholic Church?
I never thought that I would be saying this, but yes… I really am starting to wonder…:yup:
Of course, it is the only Christain religion that doesn’t bend to their wants and influnce. Almost every other one does. And if they haven’t, they are about to bend that way. Contraception is one issue, gay marraige is another. Basic morals are being broken all the time by “Christain” religions because it is easy and what “everybody” wants. And since the Catholic Church hasn’t swayed, the media doesn’t like that and attacks the Church non stop.
I answered “yes”, but I qualify it by saying that while some in the media may very well have a specific agenda to harm the Church in any way the can, there are also those who do that without having an agenda. Such are those who pass along without discernment any accusation made against the Church because they have not sought to inform themselves about the Church and accept the given prejudice of their peers as the “right” way to think.
Satan’s greatest enemies are Jesus and His Blessed Mother, therefore it stands to reason that the devil, more than anything else, will attack the true mystical body of Christ which is none other than the Catholic Church. In general the media, particularly the news media and Hollywood poke fun at the Church incessantly, as well as other things that are potentially even more harmful to its practitioners and detrimental to their faiths. Whenever liberal popular opinion is against something, it’s almost certain to be against the Church for her constant (at least up until 1965) teachings of the truth. The devil will use any means to defame the Church. Maybe he took our Lord’s words as a challenge instead of as a promise…“The gates of hell shall not prevail…” Either way, he knows very well that even if the Church cannot be swayed, everybody’s opinion of it can, even those who are ‘Catholics’, thus the countless heretics who still consider themselves within the Church.
I agree.
I answered “yes”, but I qualify it by saying that while some in the media may very well have a specific agenda to harm the Church in any way the can, there are also those who do that without having an agenda. Such are those who pass along without discernment any accusation made against the Church because they have not sought to inform themselves about the Church and accept the given prejudice of their peers as the “right” way to think.
What do you mean by media? You use the term as if there exists some centralized organization with a dictator and minions. First of all that’s just not true. There is not centralized organization, and there are all types of media. I’m not just talking television and newspaper… There is a Republican, Democratic and, yes, Catholic media.

As a member of the Catholic media, I would say that we definitely are not attacking the Church. Often the opposite, and always trying to clarify the Church’s position, which gets muddled in media outlets that simply don’t understand what the Church teaches. I think it’s very hard to understand Church teaching without a personal and developed relationship with Christ.

Perhaps then you mean the “mainstream media” which tends to be a liberal bunch of folks who get things a bit muddled at times. Maybe also you mean the bad press the Church has received lately. But didn’t the Church deserve some of the bad press received during the sexual abuse crisis? It wasn’t a pretty story, and members of the Church were not always right in their actions. That said, I believe the main stream media has used the abuse crisis to create a sort of “open season” on the Church. Members of the Church did the unthinkable, other members kept information from the public, ergo the Church is a bad organization that lies. While this is not true, I can see why people think so.

So better than coming up with some sort of “conspiracy theory” where all media outlets or even mainstream media outlets are out to get Catholics, would be to react with kindness and compassion toward the media and it’s members. Remember the dictator and minions? That’s what some people think the Church is like. Breeding fear and suspicion on the Catholic side will only strengthen those feelings on the media’s side. Catholics need to continue to show the media what the Church is all about so that misconceptions disappear and trust is restored.
I have always believed that we have to conform to GODS will and not our own. The media and movies are the most anti-Catholic orgs. out there. I’ve seen alot of movies out there that make fun or bash the Catholic Church, Million Dollar Baby is one of them. I can’t believe the way they portraied a Catholic Priest. Then I was watching, I think the title of the show is Rescue. It has Dennis Leary as a main character. It seemed like a good show, until they had a story about the scandels in the Church.

Then in Hawaii a week after the Ordination of Bishop Silva, a sexual assualt case came out in the news. It’s sad that these things happen in our Church, but the Church has both Saints and sinners. Every religion does. The media and movies just pick the ones that have to deal with the Catholic Church.

All we have to remember is this in John 16:18-19, “If the world hates you, realize it hated me first. If you belong to the world, the world would love it’s own; but because you don’t belong to the world, and I have chosen you out of the world, the world hates you.” Just remember that we all belong to HIM and not the world.
I want to qualify my yes answer. The media in general is against Catholicism, particular journalists may or may not. Media is a broad term, for example, This Rock, its publishers and those whose articles are in it are a part of “the media”, but I feel safe to say that they are pro-Catholic Church.

I find that when one sees antagonism, anger and particularly hate …especially when it seems out of proportion for the circumstances… that it is fueled primarily by fear. I think that they fear the Church, because they fear the Truth (and its consequences) and they instinctively recognize the Power that is within the Church…
Not directly. I think that the media in the United States is driven, like any other business industry, to make money. News media outlets make money by selling advertising. They sell advertising by increasing circulation and market share. News media outlets consistently operate under the assumption that the more “juicy” the story they present, the greater their market share, thus, more money from more advertisements.

They have no particular loyalty to the Church, so if they can sell more papers, capture more market share, or grab TV ratings by airing a “juicy” piece about the church, then they will do so without hesitation.

What I have seen is that more journalists are willing to compromise the truth for a juicy story, so they can grab the ratings or get the scoop, to move up the ladder. So as integrity suffers, the church, along with individuals, suffer the harm that comes from poor journalism.

It’s all about the money. It’s not about ruining the Church in my humble opinion.
For clarification purposes I was referring to the Main Stream Media.
Does the mainstream media hate the Church? Yes, because it cannot control it. I’m not sure if they REALLY want to destroy it though (even though I voted yes), because then they would lose a favorite punching bag.

Like Catholics have always done, I will now yawn in amazement at the hatred of the Church, and now go back to living my life.
Yes. The Church stands against just about everything the mainstream media promotes: homosexuality, free sex, contraception, abortion, etc.
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