Media coverage of March for Life

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Of course, EWTN covered the whole thing.

Of course, MSNBC did an article that in photo and text played up the anti-life crowd.

Network TV that we got in this area virtually ignored that it was happening.

What have y’all seen?
fox was brief but balanced, gave good shots that showed the size of the crowd, commented on the increase in participation over the years, and talking heads gave balanced unhysterical comments on the March, and its political meaning and implication. Noteworthy in their discussion, no matter which side they were on were acknowledgement that a) pro-life is a serious political force to be reckoned with and we have made a definite difference and impact, and we are not a few fringe loonies, but represented a mainstream opinion and b)even more noteworthy commentators on the other side acknowledging RvW was a mistake, has flimsy or no constituional basis and c) this and subesequent SC and fed court decisions have taken the issue and decisions about it out of the political process, into the hands of a few judges, and d) Alito means end of RvW in the minds of both sides.

they then cut to GWs speech
forgot to say one of the fox pro-death guest commentators, a woman, made the point that if the Dems lose on RvW they have lost their entire platform and reason for being. Now if that is not enough to give us hope and encouragement, I don’t know what is.
Other than EWTN, I didn’t really see any coverage. Isn’t it funny how the networks and cable coverage ever single anti-Bush protest to the fullest, but practically ignore any protests that they don’t agree with?
Our local news did not even mention the March for Life, of course networks ignored it. The only coverage from news outlets that I saw was on Fox.
I saw a little coverage in my local news, but that is only because I live near DC. Anything that shuts down streets gets mentioned. But as with anything else there was only a brief mention and the pro-abortion side was mentioned more.

The coverage I saw was:
  1. EWTN
  2. A brief AP article on most of the news pages (MSNBC, ABCNEWS, etc.) that was only 3 paragraphs long.
  3. Local news radio station/web page carried the AP article plus there was an article talking about the road closures and the fact that the security cameras on the Mall will be turned on.
  4. Several mentions of the pro-abortion rally at the Supreme Court.
Interesting that the “Is American Idol Anti-gay?” coverage got more coverage then the March for Life did.
I tend not to watch much news on TV. Last night, though, while channel surfing I stopped at C-Span which was showing the march – and it was in a very good light, no commentary, simply well behaved pro-lifers.

Laura Ingraham today on her National Radio Talk Show stated that C-SPAN had coverage of the rally portion of the March.

Laura, who is Catholic convert and Pro-Life, had great sound clips and commentary on her show today.
I tend not to watch much news on TV. Last night, though, while channel surfing I stopped at C-Span which was showing the march – and it was in a very good light, no commentary, simply well behaved pro-lifers.


It was the first time I had been to the March for Life in DC. When I was a kid my parents went most years but didn’t take all four of their kids. Since we have lived so near DC, I have always had young babies or was pregnant, and although it may have made a good statement, I wasn’t comfortable with taking them. This year, although my husband was on a mission a friend of mine volunteered to babysit my two youngest.

It was an amazing, uplifting experience. I imagne that the crowd was much like what I have seen (on tv.) in ST. Peters Square in Rome, for the Pope.

I am usually a bit uneasy in crowds because of the inherent crowd mentality. I didn’t feel uneasy for a second, even with my 8 yr old by my side. The crowd had a pleaseant, loving purposeful self control.

It was a beautiful taste of the Kingdom of Heaven. I have never been amongst so many people for Life. I usually feel like just one of a few immersed in the abyss of the culture of death. I know how many millions of us are “out there” but to be one of so many in one place was incredible! I will do everything possible to be there again next year. I especially enjoyed the pockets of diversity. The various non-Catholic, protestant and Jewish groups there gave such a feeling of unity for the cause for Life. It renewed my spirit. We had people of all ages and several cultural backgrounds on our bus. My 8 yr old was the youngest, there were several very well-mannered passionate and kind teenagers, twenty somethings, thirty somethings, middle aged and elderly, European descent, African American and Asian Americans. The easy feeling of community and compassion was peaceful and pleasant. It will keep me uplifted and resolved to work for a culture of life for a long time!
One of the teenagers on the bus was a junior in High school, African American, and in the process of becomming Catholic. We had a great discussion about how the life issues have brought him to the Catholic Church. We were talking about the large number of black babies who are aborted, how the prolife movement is the continuation of the civil rights movement in America. That all human beings are worthy of dignity and the chance for life, no matter how small, young or old. No matter their health, race or cultural background, whether wanted or not.

Shortly thereafter was the speech from the African Americans for Life. After my daughter heard that, it dawned on her that her very best friend is African American *and *was adopted, as were her friend’s two brothers. I was so proud of my little girl when she said “Mommy, that means Nicole could have been killed and I would never have met her!” I told her that she could dedicate her march for all the babies like her friend who were not allowed to live. I have never seen her with so much resolve. To see my little girl realize how many babies were killed the year she was born was difficult but to see her take up a sign and march in their honor gave me so much hope!

The CSpan video footage probaby gives the best example of what it was like to be there. While in the crowd it was hard to see I could tell we were in a huge, yet peaceful, crowd but until we got to the bottom of Capitol hill and saw how many people were marching up the hill and then to get to the top and look down at how there was not visible end to the number of people filling (literally filling) the street was stunning!
As far as the media not reporting the huge numbers at the March, attempting to sweep it under the rug and ignore… it will probably work in our favor. They will continue to underestimate us.
As far as the media not reporting the huge numbers at the March, attempting to sweep it under the rug and ignore… it will probably work in our favor. They will continue to underestimate us.
On the EWTN coverage, it was reported that the Parks Service is not required to give crowd estimates any more. I wonder, was it just for THIS march or for ALL marches? :confused: 😦
After I got home from the march, I turned on the 6:00 news to find a 10 second clip halfway through the program. Nothing on the CBS 6:30 report. (Limited choices on the antenna…)
Other than EWTN, I didn’t really see any coverage. Isn’t it funny how the networks and cable coverage ever single anti-Bush protest to the fullest, but practically ignore any protests that they don’t agree with?
And the press is not liberal AND anti-Bush!!!
the seattle times had a short article about a few thousand people marching on DC.
the seattle times had a short article about a few thousand people marching on DC.
It was FAR FAR more than a “few thousand” I wish we had an estimate. It was unreal how many people were there! I would be more inclined to say there were more than 100,000. The crowd was tightly packed, and as I stood on capitol hill I could look down the hill and see that the street totally full of packed marchers going all teh way down the hill and around the corner, they wrapped completely down teh street past the capitol building and to the supreme court building. It was huge. I hope there are accurate estimates reported somewhere, if nothing more than for historical purposes.
i have seen no figures except “several thousand”
i was kinda being facetious, because it is the seattle times…
i have seen no figures except “several thousand”
i was kinda being facetious, because it is the seattle times…
The MSM will always undercount conservative rallies and overcount liberal rallies. They need to be called on the carpet for false reporting.

Every time I am in a book store and the the MSM papers in the new section, I am tempted to go upto the manager and tell them that they are misplaced and should be in the Fiction section:p

The best coverage of the March, next to EWTN, was C-SPAN. C-SPAN showed the entire March as it was taking place, without commentary, one way or another. However, immediately after the March coverage, C-SPAN, to preserve its own neutrality concerning abortion, showed the forty-minute “pro-choice” vigil before the Supreme Court. Nevertheless, it can be argued that, by showing the events as they took place, without any spin, C-SPAN did, without meaning to, present the relative strength of the pro-life movement, concerning the length of the rally, and the numbers present.
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