Meeting with liberal episcopalian

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Monday I am meeting with a liberal episcopial priest and was going to try to evangelize them.

I thought they probably won’t listen to me so I was going to ask them some questions about what they believe and give them a rosary and a booklet on how to pray the rosary as a gift

Any other ideas
Don’t ever feel that way! Many years ago I went one on three with Jehovah’s Witnesses. Guess the score. As they were leaving one said snidely, “somebody’s been reading his bible!”

Score: Catholic 1 - Witnesses 0

Good luck!

Much Peace!

Mike 🙂
<—Former liberal Episcopalian.

Let us know how it goes. Be loving and chill, my friend! :hug1:
I know Episcopalians who have a devotion to our Blessed Mother and who pray the Rosary. Sometimes the Catholic Rosary (because of their Catholic upbringing or heritage), and sometimes the Anglican Rosary. I have an Episcopalian friend who makes rosaries.
I’m only mentioning this to encourage you not to presume anything about what they might believe or don’t believe.
I would advise you to share your faith story and not do a “hard sell”. I became a Catholic after I went to a Catholic high school (long story) and saw one of the volunteers quietly practicing her faith. She never said a word to me, but I saw her praying in the chapel.

Try to find common ground.
=Adamski;10399794]Monday I am meeting with a liberal episcopial priest and was going to try to evangelize them.
I thought they probably won’t listen to me so I was going to ask them some questions about what they believe and give them a rosary and a booklet on how to pray the rosary as a gift
Any other ideas
NO rosary YET!

Pray much

Listen MUCH to their views

MAYBE ask: [do not be confrontational]👍

We believe in One Perfect Triune God right?

How then can OUR One Perfect God hold differing; even contradictory views on well defined issues. This is an impossibility.

Today’s CC can be proven biblically and historically to be the One Church and the One Faith founded and intended by God.

Jesus “invented the term church”
To make clear that

Pagans had their Temples and beliefs

Jews their Synagogues and beliefs

and Christ followers would have “Churches” and His ONE set of Faith beliefs"🙂

BUT DO NOT SEEK to convert! That friend is Gods domain! Discuss with charity and clarity, DO NOT ARGUE!

Pray much.

God Bless,

We talked in detail for an hour she (episcopal priest) talked about prayer to be united and her devotion to the blessed mother.

She got a little edgy when I talked about the eucharist and how I didnt recieve it while attending mass for 2 years until I had my marriage reconized it made her uncomfortable

Then I asked her how she prays and I talked about how I have a problem believing in the power of prayer sometimes. She replied that prayer is to refine us so we can listen to Gods will.

I replied that I have had three supernatural experices with prayer in my life where God had physically shown his presence. I was not one uping her at all I just got exicted and wanted to share me story. She got a little angry with me when I said this .

Again I was not trying to one up her at all and just keeping things much more spirtual than about law or actual bible verses or history.
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