No. They are too busy chasing underage girls around shopping malls, like Judge Roy Moore.Conservative men with traditional values aren’t going to be looking to have threesomes or open marriages.
John Major is the only one I recognize and he’s hardly a conservative with traditional values.John Major
I think the when using the word “conservative,” many people’s minds (mine included) immediately think of politics. Especially when the person cited in the OP is closely associated with American political life.Why does everything have to tie into politics?
CTBcin is right. In the U.S., at least in the last several years, when people say, “conservative,” we tend to think of politics, not morals.Why does everything have to tie into politics? I was referring to just normal people who live a conservative lifestyle. I.e. socially, morally, etc. I wasn’t referring to conservative in a political sense.
I didn’t mean to directly tie it into politics. I was just citing some notorious examples of men who held conservative values whose private lives were anything but conservative. You originally said:Why does everything have to tie into politics? I was referring to just normal people who live a conservative lifestyle.
My point was that, in fact, one does not have to look far before one finds examples of “conservative men with traditional values” whose sexual preferences include all kinds of unusual behaviour. If you want an example of someone who is not political, take the recent case of the Reverend Simon Sayers, an Anglican priest from the conservative evangelical wing of the Church of England. Despite being a married man, he first got himself into trouble for twice having sexual relations with a 16-year-old schoolgirl. He was almost twice her age at the time of the incidents. He has now been permanently banned from ministry after conducting an affair with a married parishioner. But this is a conservative man with traditional values. Supposedly.Conservative men with traditional values aren’t going to be looking to have threesomes or open marriages.
You don’t think that John Major was “a conservative with traditional values”? He was the British prime minister whose most enduring slogan was “Back to Basics”. He embraced a nostalgic vision of a Britain that had ceased to exist decades earlier:John Major is the only one I recognize and he’s hardly a conservative with traditional values.
The “Back to Basics” slogan originated in Major’s speech to the Conservative Party conference in 1993, in which he said:Fifty years on from now, Britain will still be the country of long shadows on county grounds, warm beer, invincible green suburbs, dog lovers and pools fillers and, as George Orwell said, ‘Old maids bicycling to holy communion through the morning mist’ and, if we get our way, Shakespeare will still be read even in school.
Elsewhere, he suggested that the problems afflicting Britain in the 1990s went back to changes in society as long ago as the 1950s. So, although he has now emerged as a pro-EU centrist and a sensible and respected statesman, one must not lose sight of the fact that during his tenure as prime minister John Major was a deeply conservative figure.It is time to return to core values, time to get back to basics, to self-discipline and respect for the law, to consideration for the others, to accepting responsibility for yourself and your family - and not shuffling it off on other people and the state.
A conservative with traditional values wouldn’t push for same-sex “marriage”.You don’t think that John Major was “a conservative with traditional values”?
In the U.S., Bill Cosby, Alabama Governor Robert Bentley, and Sen. Larry Craig immediately come to mind.My point was that, in fact, one does not have to look far before one finds examples of “conservative men with traditional values” whose sexual preferences include all kinds of unusual behaviour.
John Major denied this was the case.The Back to Basics campaign was widely interpreted as a reaction against sleaze (especially sex scandals) in British politics at the time and hence was seen as promoting conventional sexual morality and family values.
I’ll reiterate that Meghan McCain’s words could had been more precise if she had stated the conservative men tend to have better family values and tend to adhere to them compared to liberals. This is what the wide body of research points to. And I added that’s only because of a gravitation of religious people towards conservatives. And I’ll add here that liberals don’t adhere to the same levels because they have a strong disdain for “judgemental” and restrictive family values.Salvini is so “devout” he and his ex-domestic partner were in a selfie in bed together. I speak from one Evangelical perspective. Public displays of piety doesn’t make one a Christian. Nor does supporting particular political positions. The problem with populism across Europe is they yearn for Christianity as an identity rather than being regenerated by the Holy Spirit and persevere to live holy lives.
No, indeed, the liberal/left faction undoubtedly is home to many people whose sense of personal morality is far from conservative or traditional. Jeremy Corbyn would be a good example of that. He has had three marriages plus a well publicised relationship with fellow politician Diane Abbott. By all accounts he has treated women rather badly. On one now infamous occasion he brought a group of party activists to his bedsit on the pretext of picking up some campaign leaflets knowing that they would in all likelihood find his girlfriend naked in his bed. Other high profile Labour politicians who were involved in sex scandals included David Blunkett, John Prescott, and Robin Cook (adultery) and Ron Davies (cruising for gay sex in public), all Cabinet ministers under Tony Blair. The Liberal Democrats and their predecessors the Liberals have had scandals ranging from plain adultery (Paddy Ashdown) to paedophilia (Cyril Smith and Clement Freud) to a downright bizarre plot to murder the gay former lover of the party leader Jeremy Thorpe.Your point is well taken, but I’m not going to get into a stand-off over “who does it more” - liberals vs. conservatives.
No, but I am not on this occasion talking about the teaching of the Catholic Church. I am just putting John Major in the context of British politics from, say, the 1960s to the present day. The trend over that period of time has been one of giving gay and bisexual people increasingly more legal rights and protections. The sole exception to that trend was Margaret Thatcher, whose infamous Section 28 was the only government policy in recent times that actually imposed an additional legal burden on gay and bisexual people rather than lifting legal burdens that were already there. Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, David Cameron, and Theresa May have all promoted progressive policies on gay rights. Boris Johnson is an interesting case, as he was notoriously bigoted towards homosexuals, especially gay men, until he achieved actual power, at which point he rapidly embraced the prevailing progressive mood. In this context, therefore, I think there is no contradiction in saying that somebody who supports gay rights can also be relatively conservative and traditionalist.Clearly, we have very different definitions of traditional values and conservatism. I think your church would disagree with you on what traditional values are. I’m sure your church wouldn’t consider same-sex “marriage” as traditional.
The problem with your link is they don’t control for confounding variables.In general, I am sceptical about any claims that being religious makes people more moral. One can derive moral values from sources other than religion. Many religious people are clearly thoroughly immoral.
In 2015, a paper by Jean Decety and co-authors reported that children who were brought up religiously were less generous. The paper received a great deal of attention, and was covered by over 80 media outlets including The Economist, the Boston Globe, the Los Angeles Times, and Scientific American. As it turned out, however, the paper by Decety was wrong. Another scholar, Azim Shariff, a leading expert on religion and pro-social behavior, was surprised by the results, as his own research and meta-analysis (combining evidence across studies from many authors) indicated that religious participation, in most settings, increased generosity. Shariff requested the data to try to understand more clearly what might explain the discrepancy.
Does a Religious Upbringing Promote Generosity or Not? | Psychology Today
For example, porn use, the study used state-wide. We know that’s a terrible way because you can’t control for religiosity measures.“Finally, there are several contextual variables that have been linked with extramarital sex, including lack of religious attendance, work-related opportunities, and a social group in which extramarital sex is relatively more prevalent and accepted.”
Extramarital sex partners likely to be close friends, and men are more apt to cheat | Colorado Arts and Sciences Magazine | University of Colorado Boulder
Another flaw in your link is it uses self-identification. My links look at more than self-identification. Attendance is a good but imperfect measure of intrinsic religiosity.Extensive literature suggests that religiosity is a protective factor in reducing a number of deviant behaviors, including sexual aggression. […] Findings from a four-year longitudinal study of male college students suggest that peer norms and promiscuity mediate the relationship between religiosity and both outcome measures, while pornography consumption mediates the relationship between religiosity and technology-based coercive behavior.
Religiosity Reduces Sexual Aggression and Coercion in a Longitudinal Cohort of College Men: Mediating Roles of Peer Norms, Promiscuity, and Pornography - PubMed
Interesting - good to know. I’m not sure who McCain had in mind when she made that comment - Republican politicians or Republican common-folk. Either way, she’s speculating with no hard data to back her claim.In British politics, however, it has generally been the case that sex scandals have disproportionately affected the Conservative Party (and people on the right will usually very readily agree with this).