Mel Gibson's New Movie Release Date?

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Just wondering - has anyone heard about the release date for Mel Gibson’s next movie?

I think it is going to be called “Resurrection”, if I saw it right.

I thought it was supposed to be out at the turn of the new year, but I haven’t seen any commercials for it yet.
IMDB lists “The Passion of Christ: Resurrection “ as being in Pre-production and should be released sometime in 2021.
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Sorry, but I cannot see myself ever wanting to see a Mel Gibson movie again.
Mel Gibson is taking him time on this because he wants to make it good. He doesn’t want to just slap some scenes together. I also read that getting funding for the project is an issue.
The Passion and Apocalyptica were excellent !

I hope he does a sequel to Apocalypto as they left the door open for it.
My gut says that the problems that were noted in this article have had impact.
That’s a very thoughtful article. I have to say, I share Greydanus’ skepticism about a sequel for mostly the same reasons. I would be extremely happy to be proven wrong. I would love to see a Resurrection film that was artistically brilliant and faithful to Divine Revelation. Could Gibson pull that off? I have my doubts. All things are possible with God, though. 🙂
I think they’re working on a script. Gibson has scuttled projects before because he didn’t like the script. He was going to make a much anticipated movie about Maccabees a number of years ago but apparently the script was not up to his expectations and that was the last we heard about that. It could happen again.
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Sorry, but I cannot see myself ever wanting to see a Mel Gibson movie again.
Is Mel’s embarrassing 2006 DUI arrest a big factor in your sentiment, do_justly_love_mercy?
Without impugning anyone - we’re going off-topic here… 🙂

The originating question (as stated in the title) was about the next movie’s release date, not about anyone’s moral character.

Questions pertaining to an individual’s moral character can get a thread locked, and - as the OP - I would rather not have my own thread locked.

Anyone can always feel free to make comments that add value to this thread; and, if anyone wants to start their own new thread on related concerns, they can always try to do so, too…

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That’s good enough for me. I’d take his opinion over any critic. I loved The Passion of Christ and have a feeling I’ll like The Resurrection even more. Paul, The Apostle was great too, with Cavaziel as Luke. Again I have no idea what any critic or scholar had to say about it and I don’t care. Since there are not many movie releases I care to see I rarely get to the theater, so any time there’s one I want to see it’s a pleasure, especially the all too rare one based on Christ or important early Christians like Paul and Luke.
I don’t see why Mr. Graydanus thinks Mel Gibson would basically have to reinvent himself to film the Resurrection. From a plot perspective, it seems pretty straight-forward.

You have the visits of the women to the tomb, then the 2 disciples, the appearance to Mary Magdalen, the realization of the disciples that Jesus has risen. Then the scene on the beach, where Peter repents of his betrayal. The road to Emmaus. Gossip and rumor swirl around the disappearance of Christ’s body, while he is healing and preaching to crowds. Then the ascension, and finally the intensification of persecution and the Christians fleeing Jerusalem to carry the faith worldwide.
It could be great. It’s certainly a huge undertaking, but I see no reason a competent director couldn’t pull it off.
Apparently Mel has his own vision about what happened DURING the Crucifixion after Christ expired. A vision that is apparently based on Catholic theology, however it would still be just Mel’s vision since those 3 days are a Mystery for the most part.
Mel has been raised a sedevacantist that is why many people do not really trust his own take on theology.
I don’t see why Mr. Graydanus thinks Mel Gibson would basically have to reinvent himself to film the Resurrection. From a plot perspective, it seems pretty straight-forward.
I think his point is that many of Gibson’s movies involve lots of brutal violence. Think Hacksaw Ridge, Braveheart, Apocalypto. These are all movies that are rated R for violence. Passion of the Christ fits right into that mold as it is also rated R for graphic violence. That is all right in Gibson’s wheelhouse.

A Resurrection movie would not contain such graphic violence. It would be a much different type of movie than The Passion.

Now could Gibson still do a good job? Anything is possible. And I think Caviezel’s comments are certainly cause for some hope. But a non-violent Mel Gibson film would be somewhat unique.
Apparently Mel has his own vision about what happened DURING the Crucifixion after Christ expired.
it would be cool if he showed Christ descending to the dead, meeting Adam, and leading souls into the newly opened heaven. A little too much to ask of a movie though.
it would be cool if he showed Christ descending to the dead, meeting Adam, and leading souls into the newly opened heaven. A little too much to ask of a movie though.
It would still be just a fiction about spirituality. But I don’t know what Mel wants to present in his latest movie. I must say that movies in which someone is “playing Christ” leave me confused - should we… shouldn’t we… play a story about God? :roll_eyes:
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