Men and cosmetics?

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Just some intro on myself. I am a 17 year old male who has struggled with same sex attraction pretty much since adolescence. My childhood could probably be what you’d describe a childhood of a feminine boy would be. I liked super woman instead of super man. Watched girls cartoons vs the boys ones etc.
Prior to my faith journey with Jesus I had begun getting into cosmetics, mainly in the form of skin care and makeup etc. I believe this is a relevant question for many Christian youth who are constantly bombarded by social media and and an industry which profits off of insecurities that we are less than beautiful (which of course is Heresy because we are beautifully and wonderfully made). I want to ask some more experienced opinions on whether I’m doing something sinful? I’ve pledged my life to celibacy and don’t cross dress but this is one area in my life which does come across as feminine
Have you spoken to a parent, your pastor, or another trusted adult? They would be your best sources of guidance as you are under 18.
There is nothing wrong with wearing cosmetics to hide blemishes and make your face look nice. I wish more men would try good skincare, groomed brows and a touch of green coverup for redness, etc.!
Taking care of your skin is a good idea. As for wearing makeup, it’s still considered unusual, but, supposedly, male makeup products are set to be one of the next big trends. I think this is a matter of personal choice.
Stuff for acne or for dry skin if you live in a dry environment is normal for men.

Makeup though…you might want to consult your priest to see if that would violate the prohibition in Deuteronomy against men dressing like women. I’m not sure on that one but it seems like it would be cutting it pretty close.
if your using it to look female you might want to talk with your priest
Men have worn cosmetics around the world for thousands of years. It is not “dressing like women”.
Men wearing makeup is not intrinsically evil/sinful.

However, it can be scandalous (sinful) if it leads to others to sin.

When men (noticeably) wear makeup the message sent to other men in Western society is that you are looking for an unchaste relationship. Whether that’s true or not is not the point, because that’s the message that MOST men are receiving.

I hope this is helpful.
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In my opinion, there’s nothing wrong with using cosmetic products as long as it’s not designed to make you look like a woman. I myself use cosmetic products from a brand called Scotch Porter. I use their beard conditioner and their face scrub (it prevents breakouts and makes my skin very smooth).
You have to take into account the appropriate cultural context. In the modern world and in most places around the globe, wearing makeup is something women do and men don’t do.
Chances are you know men who wear cosmetics and you do not realize it.
My wife struggles to get our 14 year old son to use his acne/skin creams. 😁
Movie actors and those men on television wear some makeup in their job.
Skin care in something most of us guys should probably pay more attention to.
So long as you don’t look like James Charles, it does not seem very sinful.

I don’t see why things like coverup to hide blemishes should be gender-specific.
Cosmetics can be used by either sex. Make-up is more common for women but that is subjective to the time period and culture. I’ve worn make-up before when I was modeling.

My only problem with cosmetics (and it’s not so much a moral issue as a practical issue) is that beauty to a large extent is subjective and cosmetic norms can sometimes create the expectations for what is or isn’t beautiful, and then people are pressured to spend time and money fitting those subjective perceptions, like if they develop an insecurity towards their freckles or towards their darker or lighter skin complexion, or in more extreme cases if they develop an insecurity towards the size of their ears or feet or something. Black people have spent a lot of money using stuff to lighten their complexion, and tanning beds have contributed to a lot of whites developing skin cancer. I know women (and I’m sure men also apply) who worry about leaving the house without make-up and I have a hard time seeing how that can possibly be a positive thing or something that improves the physical and mental and spiritual happiness of a person.
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Hmmm. I think that you are committed to celibacy and are resisting cross dressing is a commendable thing. In places like South Korea male skin care and all the rest is somewhat common with youth. There was something recent on about it.

Much of this depends on where you live, think safety, and if it is some sort of outlet for you. That you are chaste is huge, but our goal is to strive to become saints. Few can achieve sainthood at 17 though!

Take things slowly, find a Catholic big brother or sister to confide in that you trust, maybe make an appointment to see a priest, … and know that God loves you deeply. This may be something that will change or fall off as you get older. Stay close to Mass and the sacraments and be good to yourself.

Pax Christie
Aesthetics and outward appearances are cultural norms, not necessarily moral issues. Now, if it were in instances of gender dysphoria, it would be part of a larger issue and thus imprudent, but this does not seem to be the case here.

In my travels, I’ve come across many aesthetics which seem foreign to us, like on one island in the Philippines where men are expected to wear their hair long and line their eyes with charcoal. In the court of Louis XIV, men wore nearly as much makeup as the women. The Norse Vikings wore face paint as a sign of their status as a warrior. Even in America today, everyone, both men and women, wear makeup when they are on TV or in a movie.

If you are following Christ and his commands, then that is all that truly matters.
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