MEN: Priest, Poverty and Hitchhiking: Could YOU do it?

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Could you imitate Christ in poverty hitchhiking the world,
as a CATHOLIC PRIEST Confessing people as you go from town to town**? **

Click on this video to see our Charism:

Jesus sent out these twelve after instructing them thus…
“Go, make this proclamation: ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, drive out demons. Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give. Do not take gold or silver or copper for your belts; no sack for the journey, or a second tunic, or sandals, or walking stick.” (Matt 10:7-10)

Dare to step into the deep to "fish for men"
(Mark 1:17)
We are a Religious Community of poor brothers and sisters with the charism of other than being semi contemplative (maintaining female cloistered life in a convent distinctly separate from that of the male’s), is that of sending souls to the Catholic Sacraments, through frequent Evangelization along the streets of the world…

In short words our charism, is parallel as both that of the
**first Carmelites **and to that of the first Franciscans

living in total poverty, simplicity and in a professional nature. We want to become Saints and to live 100% the Gospel in communion with our Holy Mother Catholic Church, all for the Salvation of the most number of souls and for the major Glory of God.

† Parish Missions and street evangelization
† Youth and Adult seminar speaking
† Home & Church Meditated Holy Rosary
† Vocational Inquires / Spiritual Direction

Write to:
Fr. Friar Antonio M. S.
Vocational director to the English language:
Could you imitate Christ in poverty hitchhiking the world,
as a CATHOLIC PRIEST Confessing people as you go from town to town**? **

Click on this video to see our Charism:

Jesus sent out these twelve after instructing them thus…
“Go, make this proclamation: ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, drive out demons. Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give. Do not take gold or silver or copper for your belts; no sack for the journey, or a second tunic, or sandals, or walking stick.” (Matt 10:7-10)

Dare to step into the deep to "fish for men"
(Mark 1:17)
We are a Religious Community of poor brothers and sisters with the charism of other than being semi contemplative (maintaining female cloistered life in a convent distinctly separate from that of the male’s), is that of sending souls to the Catholic Sacraments, through frequent Evangelization along the streets of the world…

In short words our charism, is parallel as both that of the
**first Carmelites **and to that of the first Franciscans

living in total poverty, simplicity and in a professional nature. We want to become Saints and to live 100% the Gospel in communion with our Holy Mother Catholic Church, all for the Salvation of the most number of souls and for the major Glory of God.

† Parish Missions and street evangelization
† Youth and Adult seminar speaking
† Home & Church Meditated Holy Rosary
† Vocational Inquires / Spiritual Direction

Write to:
Fr. Friar Antonio M. S.
Vocational director to the English language:
Do you have official status within the Church?
Do you have official status within the Church?
Peace and Good “JuresPrudens”, Yes, thanks be to God and our Good will
(as confirms the Second Vatican Council’s Constitution “GAUDIUM ET SPES”)…

We have been Recognized by the Catholic Church at a Diocesan level, as Public Association
in anticipation of becoming an Institute of Consecrated Life with an Episcopal Decree of the 30th of May 2014.

Click on this image to see video
of our Official Approval after more than 15 years of Good Will and many more years of God’s Grace:
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