Men's orders that build

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I’m unaware of any such order. He should consider Trade School.
He has an Associates in Applied Science in Computer Programming, and is six classes away from a mechatronics degree. He also has high -functioning autism. I was going to have him speak with our acting pastor to see if he had any insights.

Thanks. That’s a start.
Look at Habitat for Humanity. I know once I graduate, that’s on my bucket list
That’d probably give him some practical building experience, but I don’t see direct Evangelization being intertwined with it.

Keeping a list of suggestions. Thanks to all who have helped.
Habitat for Humanity would help give him a solid base. And it would be a Corporal Act of Mercy. Which is a form Evangelizing. Right?
Yes, that’s right, but I almost got the impression that he was speaking of a situation similar to what St. Philomena’s Technical School in St Louis, MO, used to do. The institute was a trade school conducted by the Daughters of Charity. At least I thought I saw the school listed in relation to the DCs. The school closed long ago, and the building has been lost to the elements.
Somebody needs to start an order like this in Detroit – especially for restoring existing strucutres!
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Why not suggest it to the Little Marian Sons, whose link I posted?

Detroit’s coming back, slowly but surely. In these big cities, composing a (private) litany of their church’s patrons seems to help. Detroit has both Sts Jude and Philomena represented.
I had no idea they had so many projects going at one time. I’m not sure if he’s being attracted to staying state-side or not.
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