Metal Music and the Vocal Fry

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Ok, so I have always enjoyed singing to songs by Sarah McLachlan, Christina Aguilera, and Selena. Recently, I was introduced to the band Jinjer which is a progressive metal band. I think their vocalist Tatiana is phenomenal. She has by far the best vocal fry. I have found a vocal coach that can help me achieve this vocal technique and incorporate it into my singing. Of course I would be transitioning from the pop genre into metal. My question is… Is the vocal fry offensive to God? Personally, I think it is super cool but I don’t want to go down this path of “cool” if it leads me to a dead end. Although I have heard that there are Christian/Catholic metal bands. So, the vocal fry? Yes or No?
It would help if you would explain to me what vocal fry means in this context
Is the vocal fry offensive to God?
I’m pretty sure God doesn’t care about vocal fry.

It might permanently harm your vocal chords/ change your voice if you don’t do it right, but you said you have a coach, so presuming the coach has the proper credentials to know what they are doing, then it sounds like you’re going about it the right way.
It’s also known as a “death growl”. It’s a vocal technique used in a lot of death metal, black metal, and some hardcore.

Here’s an example of Tatiana with Jinjer singing a song normally for the first minute and then at 1 minute 10 seconds in, she switches to vocal fry. People get very impressed by her being able to switch between the two types of singing and getting her voice really low. It’s a vocal technique and can be learned. I’ve never cared much for it regardless of whether a man or woman is doing it, but I appreciate that others feel differently.

Well because a lot of people(especially my parents)think it sounds demonic.
I’m pretty sure a demon can sound any way it wishes and if it was looking to lure people into sin it would likely sing as sweetly as an American Idol contestant.

Thinking of a vocal style or a dissonant chord or whatever as “demonic” is just us imposing our own human ideas of certain sounds, shapes, colors etc meaning “good, heavenly, Godly” and other sounds, shapes and colors meaning " bad, demonic, satanic". Any sound God gave us capability to make could be used for good or evil purposes.
I think you are correct in saying that. I mean God can produce beautiful sounds in nature through a gentle breeze or frightening such as thunder or the roaring of the sea.
I imagine God smiling at the many uses of the voiceboxes He designed.
It’s also known as a “death growl”. It’s a vocal technique used in a lot of death metal, black metal, and some hardcore.
AKA “Cookie Monster vocals” to some of us slightly older metal fans.

It was really unusual and unique back in the early 90s/late 80s, but by now its been overused. Cookie monster growlers are a dime a dozen and infinitely replaceable because most anybody can do it.

Sounding evil and demonic is the entire point of it.

Is cookie monster…a demon? 🤯

He seems to embody the opposite of several virtues. 🤔
I always preferred Cookie Monster and his singleminded pursuit of cookies to Big Bird seeking constant reassurance for his endless parade of fears and anxieties.
I think I liked the Count best though.

Edited to add, but only the Jerry Nelson version of the Count. Whoever took over doing the voice later was horrible.
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Elmo is the worst of all.
Constantly reminding us it’s his world. Keeping a seemingly mentally handicapped adult in a windowless room in his crayon house of horrors, assigning him basic tasks, then criticizing him endlessly for doing it wrong.

The Count is the best for sure.
I have to disagree that mostly anyone can do it. There are some vocal teachers that say they cannot do it. It does take talent.
Oh geez…you really are taking the fun out of the death growl. :roll_eyes:
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