Metathread about the thread about too many threads about sex

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It seems we’ve established some reasons for having threads about sex.

Now I’m wondering if anyone has opinions on the merits of having a thread which discussed those things, such as the one we have called “too many threads about sex.”

The question that I have, is whether a thread is indeed an appropriate place to discuss such a thing. Since it is a thread about threads (making this one a thread about a thread about threads) then one wonders whether working the problem from the same sort of context really affords a clear view. One hardly sees the threads as a whole entity, and how the number related to sex compares to what is reasonable.

Some say one must have another dimension in addition to the ones the problem is made of. That’s why I wondered if we might not have to transcend the notion of “thread” and institute a mentality which allows for “metathreads” and along those lines one could call this one, though perhaps a bit overly regal, a “grand metathread” or perhaps “super metathread?”

What? I don’t quite understand what you’re asking, but I’ll do my best.

It may seem kind of silly to discuss this on such a public site, but there are plenty of benefits! I’m sure there are thousands of people wondering the same question and are too embarassed to ask themselves. Through this forum and these threads, your identity is pretty well hidden and the “setting” is safe and comfortable to discuss you’re deepest questions about life in general. If you have a burning question, wouldn’t you like to get it answered? And let’s say through your quiet and private research you only find a half-satisfying answer…don’t you have an urge to find the truth? I know I do. And through these threads the answer is told to you boldly and frankly…without vagueness or rainbows to make you feel better about it. And I like the truth raw with no added preservatives if you know what I mean!

Comparatively…Out of 13 forums (24 including sub-forums) how many of these forums are the sexual issues are discussed? Primarily one with a few here and there. And out of how many total threads that are posted…too many to count for now…and how many discuss this issue? I’d say a small fraction.

Getting these tough questions answered is part of the whole point why these Catholic forums are here! Like I said before in another thread, good Catholics and christians need guidence!
Some say one must have another dimension in addition to the ones the problem is made of. "

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Go back and cut some more grass.
Problem is, if you don’t talk about sex in a responsible fashion (as is done on these threads), the world will talk about it to you in an irresponsible fashion. It is better to talk about them here and for everybody to stop being so repressed.

Sex is not shameful. It is a BEAUTIFUL GIFT from God to be used appropriately by man and his wife, woman. If people don’t learn about sex and this responsibility, they may inadvertantly or unknowingly abuse it. Plus, we won’t be able to correct our misled brethren if we are not knowledgeable. People need to take their hands off their ears and learn something about Church teaching.
Sex is not shameful. It is a BEAUTIFUL GIFT from God to be used appropriately by man and his wife, woman. If people don’t learn about sex and this responsibility, they may inadvertantly or unknowingly abuse it.
I agree, Sex is a gift from God. He created it as something for man and wife to share and draw closer to each other. I have great pride when I say that my wife and I gave our virginity to each other on our wedding night, in how many other forums would people see that as a good thing. Ad to that almost other places are either too embarrassing or not Christian in their basis for beliefs. I mean could you imagine walking up to your priest and saying;

“Father I have a problem, I love pleasuring my wife orally and she enjoys it too, heck she plays my head like a bongo drum but that’s not important now… the thing is that she thinks we are sinning because we aren’t having intercourse in the missionary position and God is punishing her by not allowing her orgasms.”

By being able to post mature questions in a Christian forum we grow in our faith and our relationships with our spouses and sex is a big part of that equation.
Whoa up, guys!

Read the “sticky” by Karl Keating about posts on sexual issues. Remember that kids could be reading!

I’m not saying not to post about it, just to watch our language!

… Bongo drums… :rotfl: :rotfl:
My take on this?? Personally I think most of the responses given here are the "correct Catholic"responses. However in the confines of their bedroom or wherever, more posters than not have indulged in the “forbidden” at one time or another.They just won’t admit it.
~ Kathy ~
My take on this?? Personally I think most of the responses given here are the "correct Catholic"responses. However in the confines of their bedroom or wherever, more posters than not have indulged in the “forbidden” at one time or another.They just won’t admit it.
~ Kathy ~
Say it isn’t so! :bigyikes:

Couldn’t that have disastrous effects, like throwing off out statistics? How are we going to know what they really do? :confused:

Now watch. There’s gotta be one poster who actually does go through the orthodoxy checklist with his wife each time they close the door, and we will hear about using a Broad Brush dismissive approach. 😛

That’s why I wondered if we might not have to transcend the notion of “thread” and institute a mentality which allows for “metathreads” and along those lines one could call this one, though perhaps a bit overly regal, a “grand metathread” or perhaps “super metathread?”

Since the thread about threads started this thread, wouldn’t that make this thread, and the thread about threads sub-threads?

That is to say, the original threads about sex become the super-metathreads, the threads about threads become metathreads, threads about threads about threads are ???threads, working towards the negative?

Wouldn’t in be less cumbersome to liken it to a geneological kind of structure, with parent threads, daughter threads, grand daughter threads, and so on. That would offer the flexibility of having aunt-threads, cousin-threads and even step-threads, allowing for the whole blended-family of threads. Whatdaya think?
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