Michelle Malkin on the BF "scandal" at The View

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Loved it! I would enjoy making “Ms.” Walters uncomfortable while feeding my child. Mine are larger than his head and he always pulls the blanket off anyway! Favorite part, “selfish baby.” The writer has a great gift!

from the article:
…I’m not the biggest fan of the radical “lactivists” – the whole La Leche scene is a bit too much for me – but having breast-fed both my children (one for 13 months, the other for six), I completely sympathize with their outrage at Walters’ remarks…
LACTIVISTS, hahaha. That is too funny! I’m not a mom or dad for that matter, but this article is a riot! I think our “sophisticated” first world countries are the only places where women can’t publically breast feed.

I saw it done all the time in Latin America and almost never covered up. It didn’t matter the place: on the bus, on the street, in group pictures, during dinner, and even during Mass, women breast feed their babies. Even the men in that very “machismo” society respect women who are nursing their babies. Could you ask for a more natural and beautiful thing between a mother and child?

The real question is, what is wrong with Ms. Walters? Is she some kind of pervert that she can’t stand seeing another woman’s breast? Does she have any kids? Does she understand where babies come from? Someone should explain all this stuff to her. It’s one of the works of mercy (correct the ignorant)!

Great article, thanks for posting.

To the PP- Barbara Walters has one adopted daughter to my knowledge.
Great article. I used to watch the show and when it first started I really liked it. But now the women have become so insufferably snobby.

Why would anyone be disturbed by seeing a mom breastfeeding? It’s completely natural. Most women have a discreet blanket placed just right and you don’t see anything, anyway. She needs to get over it. Maybe that baby had to be fed right then, what is she supposed to do, go in the dirty bathroom and do it? Forget it. She had every right.
I breastfed in public all the time with slings, but not with blankets. I never expose myself and even if there was a little skin showing it is much less than what girls are walking around in these days. It all goes back to the femenist agenda that men and women are the same so women should bottle feed as to not be tied down to the baby. I liked the article although Star Jones is the one who called it gross and disgusting. I wish more attention had been thrown on Star. She is always promoting a certain brand of formula on ths show.
This article highlights not only the arrogance of this dim-witted woman, but the utter idiocy of her public squawking and flapping about such an unremarkable encounter with an ordinary woman in her everday routine. No doubt there are more than a few of us “ordinaries” out there for whom BW will no longer be held in lofty or or even modest esteem. I could easily understand where a man might feel ill at ease seated next to a nursing mom who was not his wife–but another woman!!! C’mon Babs!!!
Poor Baba Wawa having to endure a woman nursing her child. I only wish the baby had a huge stinky diaper and the woman had to change her.:bigyikes:
Think of how much money that commoner paid to be in first class so that she could have some privacy and ability to nurse her baby. I have never upgraded to first class but I do know the expense. Barbara Walters needs to buy a private jet so she can remain aloof.

Michelle Malkin is the best.

I watched the View about once a year until I turned it on one time and caught them all gushing over Hillary Clinton (during Bush’s campaign) and they just wanted assurances that she would run for President some day. 😦 I will never watch it again. What a turn off!
In my opinion “the view” is just a bunch of liberals sitting around promoting their liberal agenda, simple as that, I can’t stand the show, I watched it a few times when it first started airing and didn’t like it and just hearing about it from others or the hosts in articles etc. I have no desire to give my personal time to such junk, I’d much rather listen to Sean Hannity, he is so great, or to me he is. 🙂
I stopped watching it a long time ago after one of the “ladies” mentioned a sexual act in a very graphic and explicit way. It was truly shocking to hear that - I never expected to hear that on network (and that’s saying a lot it was that bad) and in the am.

It befuddles me as to why it’s so popular…
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