Michelle Wolf - Thoughts?

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I’m listening to Gus Lloyd right now on the Catholic Channel and he is discussing Michelle Wolf and her recent “Salute to Abortion”. Ms. Wolf is disgusting. Thoughts? What do you all do to combat this sick and abhorrent behavior?
people like Wolf on the left, that thrive in the democrat party are nothing more than a fad. And they are failed entertainers who go for the andrew dice clay approach for fame and being noticed by taking such stances in a crude manner. The difference being that Andrew Dice Clay was actually funny to begin with. Remember Kathy Griffin when she joked about the president via his fake head. She got her 15 minutes of fame, so has Robert Denero , Jim Carrey, and now Michelle Wolf.

These people are nothing more than knee jerk reactionists. They take a hot button topic, shake it all up, get that quick reaction to suck in the simple minded people, and poof on to the next big thing . It is really hard to keep up with such propaganda and even harder to combat it. Because it goes to a level of stupidity that is hard to educate.
I think there’s a far wider movement than just Michelle Wolf’s “God bless abortion” bit. I think it’s predicated on the “shock” factor and continuing to hurl insults at religious America. I think we condemn it, vote accordingly, and engage in charitable dialogue where it can be had. Counter-demonstrations would also be good. But I honestly don’t get too worked up about stuff like this. Control what you can control and don’t despair.
She’s a poor, misguided soul placing her salvation at risk by her pompous aggrandizement. Pray for her, and for everyone who supports the evil of abortion.
couldn’t’ve said it better

she is a misguided soul
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Don’t know who this woman is. I presume she’s another pudgy “comedian” like Amy Schumer. Not interested in her whatsoever. I plan to continue ignoring her existence.
Michelle Wolf is right up there in my book with the likes of Kathy Griffin. Vile, failed comedians just out for the shock factor. A certain type of “comedy” thrives on this.
Don’t know who this woman is. I presume she’s another pudgy “comedian” like Amy Schumer. Not interested in her whatsoever. I plan to continue ignoring her existence.
TB, normally.enjoy your posts but …

Criticise her comedy (I.certainly have - I don’t find Ms Schumer entertaining in the slightest) but please don’t sink to.the personal and comment on her or anyone’s weight.

People develop life-threatening eating disorders.because of such misguided comments about their bodies and those of.others.
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I think it a sad commentary on our society though that these types of comedians so easily find a platform to practice their type of comedy.
what many find funny these days is getting sicker and sicker.
“Pudgy” is not a pejorative in my book. I am pudgy. Heck, I’m probably fat. My husband was definitely fat.

You’re the one hung up on being offended over it. Ms. Wolf and Ms. Schumer are not here reading my posts, nor do i care.

Also if you notice I’m constantly noting stuff about eating disorders in the fasting threads…that’s because many years ago I had a borderline eating disorder myself. Being able to factually refer to weight and not give a hang is actually very healthy and refreshing for me.

So please take your political correctness or outrage or whatever to another window, I’m not having any.
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I’ve lived almost half a century and I’m glad to have been able to avoid her comedy.

Whe I did student teaching, I learned it was sometimes best to ignore some behaviors.

She seems to want to shock.

Use facts. People like her(and those in her echo chamber) hate facts.
Robert Denero , Jim Carrey, and now Michelle Wolf
To be fair, Robert Dinero and Jim Carrey are both legitimately talented actors, whatever you think of their politics. They’re not passing fads who got public attention solely through controversy.
I believe shes Jewish-probably a secular Jew though. Like I said in another post, if only she invited alternate viewpoints on her show she could have a enlightening talk with Ben Shapiro about abortion and God’s view on it.
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I’d never heard of her until the Correspondent’s Dinner when she even offended the lefties in the audience.
It’s not so much that it’s offensive as it just feels gratutious. Her weight has nothing to do with anything we’re talking about, so why go there? Incidentally, she’s not pudgy. She’s a marathon runner…not that any of that has anything to do with her pathetic attempt at raising her profile through shock and controversy.
It’s not so much that it’s offensive as it just feels gratutious. Her weight has nothing to do with anything we’re talking about, so why go there? Incidentally, she’s not pudgy. She’s a marathon runner…not that any of that has anything to do with her pathetic attempt at raising her profile through shock and controversy.
Thanks - said far better than I could.

Aren’t we as a society already unhealthily obsessed enough with body weight? Why would anyone.want to add to that sick obsession with gratuitous and irrelevant comments on someone’s size?
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