Is anyone here familiar with the guy? He’s a former Roman Catholic who runs a ministry called “Proclaiming the Gospel”, which is an evangelical outreach to Catholics. I’m not trying to flame by mentioning this guy but I was at his site yesterday and he made some pretty strong statments about the Roman Catholic Church.
I don’t like to listen to one side of a debate and not let the other side defend itself, so would any of you guys be willing to offer any refutations to the claims of Mr. Gendron?
Dear Gracehawk,
Welcom to CA forums and Peace of the Lord be to you!
I think you are very wise to do research on church history and ask questions.
here is a little quote from his
“Mel Gibson, a devout Roman Catholic who produced and directed The Passion of the Christ, proudly declared: “It reflects my beliefs.” His film is consistent with Roman Catholic teaching in that it
is not based on Scripture alone.”
Lets forget for a minute the that the “Gospels”, which this man bases all his “beliefs” from, tell us about the the fact that Jesus started His Church, founded on Peter[Rock] and gave to him the “keys to the kingdom of heaven” [and all the authority that comes with it**
(Matthew 16:19)] .
His, and all other protestants, base their “
Scripture alone” theology on the document , sola scriptura, which was written by a heratic Martin Luther, in the 1500’s. It basically says, “The only authority can come from the bible”.
This must have been really hard since the first NT wasnt formed about 400 years AD. Mike Gendron’s Theology is based on human error, and pride. This doesn’t mean I don’t love my protestant brothers and sisters, they are regretfully, misguided and I myself have committed myself to learning all i can so i can reach as many as I can during my stay here on this Earth…
I say Kudo’s to you, and D the research, I am sure lots more poeple who are smarter than me will post with even better (name removed by moderator)uts…
Peace of the Lord be with you!