Mike Gendron

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Is anyone here familiar with the guy? He’s a former Roman Catholic who runs a ministry called “Proclaiming the Gospel”, which is an evangelical outreach to Catholics. I’m not trying to flame by mentioning this guy but I was at his site yesterday and he made some pretty strong statments about the Roman Catholic Church.

I don’t like to listen to one side of a debate and not let the other side defend itself, so would any of you guys be willing to offer any refutations to the claims of Mr. Gendron?
By the way, I’m not a Catholic and I’m bringing up someone who is out to convert Catholics, but it’s not my intent to start a flame war on here. I’m just asking an honest and sincere question.
There are many here who would be happy to respond to any specific issues that Mike Gendron might raise.

For example, from his websight:
Jesus and His Word teach…
The sacrifice of Jesus is finished (John 19:30).
The Pope and his church teach…
The sacrifice of Jesus continues in daily Mass.
The implication here is that Jesus is thought to be crucified again and again at every mass around the world.

The Catholic Church teaches that Christ gave Himself as a sacrifice one time only, but that the sacrifice remains present outside of time, to the Father in eternity.

I would ask how Christians have been washed in the blood of Christ for the last 2000 years if that sacrifice does not transcend time and space?

Catholic Answers provides a library that is available to refute most of what Mike Gedron claims. Here is a link to an explanation of what the mass is all about:
The Institution of the Mass

Peace in Christ…Salmon
Is anyone here familiar with the guy? He’s a former Roman Catholic who runs a ministry called “Proclaiming the Gospel”, which is an evangelical outreach to Catholics. I’m not trying to flame by mentioning this guy but I was at his site yesterday and he made some pretty strong statments about the Roman Catholic Church.

I don’t like to listen to one side of a debate and not let the other side defend itself, so would any of you guys be willing to offer any refutations to the claims of Mr. Gendron?
Dear Gracehawk,
Welcom to CA forums and Peace of the Lord be to you!
I think you are very wise to do research on church history and ask questions.

here is a little quote from his website

“Mel Gibson, a devout Roman Catholic who produced and directed The Passion of the Christ, proudly declared: “It reflects my beliefs.” His film is consistent with Roman Catholic teaching in that it is not based on Scripture alone.”

Lets forget for a minute the that the “Gospels”, which this man bases all his “beliefs” from, tell us about the the fact that Jesus started His Church, founded on Peter[Rock] and gave to him the “keys to the kingdom of heaven” [and all the authority that comes with it**(Matthew 16:19)] .

His, and all other protestants, base their “Scripture alone” theology on the document , sola scriptura, which was written by a heratic Martin Luther, in the 1500’s. It basically says, “The only authority can come from the bible”.

This must have been really hard since the first NT wasnt formed about 400 years AD. Mike Gendron’s Theology is based on human error, and pride. This doesn’t mean I don’t love my protestant brothers and sisters, they are regretfully, misguided and I myself have committed myself to learning all i can so i can reach as many as I can during my stay here on this Earth…

I say Kudo’s to you, and D the research, I am sure lots more poeple who are smarter than me will post with even better (name removed by moderator)uts…

Peace of the Lord be with you!
A friend of mine is a member of “The Potters House” and a very sincere Christian. Although I grant that, they have some very anti-Catholic tendencies, including the Jack Chick comics, Dave Hunt books etc. He gave me videos of Mike Gendron which was distributed by Jacob Prasch Ministries.

Watching the tapes actually drew me closer to the Catholic Church, which at that time, I was outside of. Clearly this wasn’t what the author intended!

The presentation seemed to have a single strong message: that if you are a Catholic, you will go to hell. He would mention St. Peter rejecting the recently deceased Catholic at the gates of heaven and attempted to convey how terrifying that would be.

All I can say to Gracehawk is that you should investigate the claims being made. Most are contentious at the very least (although you would never guess that with the certainty that the claims are being made). I investigated the claims being made by people like Dave Hunt, Mike Gendron and Jacob Prasch and found many to be readily disputed. I would not accuse them of dishonesty. They do, though, present their opinions as unequivocal, indisputible, and completely objective facts. When someone does that, particularly on topics you know are contentious, its a sure sign you need to investigate.

Good luck. This website has a whole bunch of responses to the standard anti-Catholic assaults. Just look them up and I’m sure you will find both sides.

And post again if you’re still searching! You are showing real maturity by searching for both sides of the argument 👍
The things that Mike Gendron says and particularly his form of argument are forms of attack. I’ve looked up one thing after another by following different links and find nothing but hostility there. So, it makes you wonder what is going on. One thing he cannot do is control your response to the things he suggests or proclaims. Because, make no mistake, he thinks he’s right if he simply quotes scripture and throws it out there at you. Of course, only his reasoning is valid, not yours. I had to step back and get a real picture of him. I had to ask the right questions in regards to him. If you really observe his behavior and usage of language, he is trying to clean you. He doesn’t like that you are unclean. So he goes after you the Catholic with a vengeance. The unsaved Catholic is an idolater to him. He despises the organization. I heard him say this on the internet. I am suspect of anyone who has a unique desire to clean you and make you “wrong.” You know something, that’s no one’s job but God’s.
And God is perfectly capable of speaking to you himself.

The other thing is this: You can quote the King James Version of the bible all you want, and carefully lay out your arguments and call it a day and feel as though you’ve won: however, you’ve won nothing when there is no spirituality to back it up. The spirituality has to be in you. I don’t sense this in Mike Gendron.
Yeah, there’s something missing there. The Catholic Church has an immense tradition of spirituality. Christ has to be “in” you and his word “integrated into you.” No two ways about it. I know non-Catholics who quote and quote and quote the bible, but they lack understanding from a deep point of reference. So, in the end, it’s up to you. No one can force you or scare you in or out of the church. Ask Jesus what is right. If you want the truth, he will lead you to the Eucharist. Because the Eucharist is the truth. Ask him to show you how this can be. Be not afraid.👍 :amen:
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