Miming Through Confirmation

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I was thinking about giving up speaking (verbally) for lent, scince I have noticed that I talk a tad much. And I was just wondering a few things, scince I am only now becomoing Catholic. When Does lent end? Noon Easter? The Following Monday? And Would this be something I shouldn’t do for Confirmations Sake? And Does anyone know when Ash Wensday is? Thanks and God bless.
Montie Claunch:
When Does lent end?
The Wednesday before Holy Thursday is the last day of Lent.

Holy Thursday starts the Easter Triduum.

Easter starts on Easter Sunday.
Montie Claunch:
And Would this be something I shouldn’t do for Confirmations Sake? .
This would be an interesting sacrifice.
If you were to adopt this sacrifice I would advise that you give up unnesassary talking. There are times when you absolutly MUST talk - but you could make it a point to only speak when absolutly nesasary. You would be able to speak at your confirmation which wouldn’t be during Lent.
Also, you are not suppose to fast and abstain or sacrifice on Sunday. So you would be free to gab away on the Lords Day - singing His praises.
Good luck!
The Wednesday before Holy Thursday is the last day of Lent.

Holy Thursday starts the Easter Triduum.
Oops… looks like typed without checking my facts. Shame on me.

For the purpose of Lenten devotions, it seems that Lent starts on Ash Wednesday and ends on Easter, but excludes Sundays.

As a reference I point to the glossary in the CCC.
Great idea, Montie! I’ve tried this myself. You might want to amend it to restricting talking. For example, do not offer any opinions. Also, keep conversations restricted to mostly asking questions and active listening. By active listening, I mean trying to just make mirror statements so the talker knows you are listening. It is a great fast!!! You will grow alot. Esp. if you stay off the phone and try to restrict radio/tv/electronic noise.

Be patient with yourself. Talkativeness is a difficult habit to break.

God Bless!!
I would suggest that you first bring this up with your pastor and sponsor since this seems to be your first “Catholic” lent. If they approve, I would suggest as previous posters that you give up unnecessary speech (which would not include participation in Mass, dialing 911, speaking to a physician or participating in RCIA classes along with legitimate work communications).

Even silent retreats are not completely silent. One does speak to participate in Mass, attend spiritual direction, etc.

If you seem to want to develop an interior silence which opens you to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. If this is the case, eliminate unnecessary communications (orally and in writing), turn off the TV and car radio and listen to God.

Silence is not the absence of speech.
yeah im thinkin about giving up listening to music (save for chant and hymns maybe) would be a huge struggle 🙂
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