I feel that I may not be worthy to teach children about spirituality because of my past. I am a cradle Catholic, but was a Cafeteria Catholic for most of my adult life. As a child I attended a Catholic school for 8 years, then went to a public high school (not that I regret it). Somewhere between teenage years and adulthood, I fell into becoming a cafeteria Catholic. I believed what was convenient for me. I made many sins all of which I’ve hopefully repented. About eight months ago, I truly came back to the Church. It has been a miraculous experience for me.
It is good to hear that you feel that you are not worthy to teach CCD. Because if you did, I’d ask you to “check” your ego.
I converted to Catholicism (after being a very effective anti-Catholic) a couple of years ago. I went to the DRE (Director of Religious Education) and applied to be a CCD assistant (we needed a break on the tuition).
After a long conversation, she told me that there were not openings for the assistant position but asked if I could actually Teach a class. I wanted to be the assistant so I could learn, what the heck does a new convert know anyway. But we needed the tuition credit and I could ask my assistant any really tough questions.
GOD HAS A SENSE OF HUMOR. I was assigned the 5th grade. In our church that is the Sacramental year. The students were to learn about all 7 Sacraments ( I thought there were 2 sacraments and 5 suggestions). My assistant was a struggling Catholic and didn’t know anymore than I did, she was there because her child needed special attention. I had to learn fast. The CCD curriculum is very well established and thought out by the church education board and I prayed a lot.
GOD HAS A SENSE OF HUMOR. In my second year, I was assigned the 6th grade. In our church that is the Old Testament year. Yep, all about the Old Testament. My knowledge of the bible was this, In the beginning, a lot of stuff happened then Jesus came. I had to learn fast. The CCD curriculum is very well established and thought out by the church education board and I prayed a lot.
GOD HAS A SENSE OF HUMOR. In my third year and since, I teach 2nd grade. THE BIG YEAR, 1st Communion. The Real Presence stuff. I was still struggling with this one. God wanted me to know and really believe. My family went to World Youth Day in Toronto where I receive the Eucharist in the presence of the Holy Father. IT DROVE ME TO MY KNEES. I came out of Canada with a real passion for the Eucharist and ready to teach. I became a Eucharistic Minister to help with my teaching and there have been times that my students come to my station. The CCD curriculum is very well established and thought out by the church education board and I pray a lot.
You have been to the desert and now you are back. Use your expierences to teach the kids and PRAY A LOT.
I am always here for you, you can PM me or e-mail me directly.
----God does not prepare the road for the travler, he perpares the travler for the road.
God Bless,
Davis Gray
CFC-SFC Area Leader