Hey, I would deffinetly keep praying for a miracle of healing. The power of prayer is incredible. I’ve had many health situations at mearly the age of 15, I had to get surgery to break my tooth off of the jaw bone, because it was fused and would not budge. I prayed really hard for healing but I still needed the surgery, I was a little set back cause I didn’t recieve the healing. It wasn’t until after the surgery that i realized god had Spirtually healed me, and I was able to have the surgery and be stronger then i ever could have imaniged. Just remember not to put God’s mysterious and amazing ways of working, into a box. When we predict how God is going to work we tend to be dissapointed, when what he has planned can be SO Much better. I would deff keep praying for a miracle, but let God decide how he is going to give it to you, I gaurentee you that it will be better then what you have in mind, or maybe your exact prayers will be granted, its up to God!
I will pray for you
God Bless