Miracles, do they work like you think?

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Have you ever considered that many ordinary things in life are a miracle. Maybe they just don’t work like we expect them to. Like you were stopped by a light and the car 2 blocks away did not hit you, in fact there was no accident at all.
Since we all have our Guardian Angels with us everyday, I expect there are countless miracles we know nothing about. I have had a few instances where I did not do something I intended (for no reason that I know of) and avoided an accident. I do think that could be the work of my Guardian Angel or a prompting of the Holy Spirit. He loves us much more then we know.
oh, yes, there are many miracles in our lives, that we often totally are unaware of. We need to be thankful to God for everything.
I agree that there are miracles in our lives every day, we just have to look with the eyes of faith! I also believe that some of the greatest miracles are those nobody ever sees – the interior conversions that occur in our souls. While the physical healings and miracles are the easiest to “see,” our bodies are with us for a short time, while our souls will be with us forever. So, which miracles are the most important?
Have you ever considered that many ordinary things in life are a miracle. Maybe they just don’t work like we expect them to. Like you were stopped by a light and the car 2 blocks away did not hit you, in fact there was no accident at all.
Lance, that’s why I make a special point of thanking God for little inconveniences, which may be a part of His loving plan in some way I do not immediately understand.

This sort of thing often occurs to me when I am running late (or early). If I’m frustrated, it will often suddenly dawn on me – “Hey, how do I know that I wouldn’t be in an accident if I were at such-and-such intersection on time?”. It reminds me to take the time to thank God that He is in charge and not me.
Lance, This may not seem like a miracle to many but it sure was to me. One day I was praying, wondering where I was going to find the money for so many bills that I have. I prayed,“Lord, I know I’m supposed to trust you for everything but I need cash and soon.” A few hours later two people showed up at my door and asked me if I wanted to sell the old car in my driveway. It had no ‘for sale’ sign on it and I live in a cul-de-sac where it couldn’t be seen from the main street. It was my husband’s car so I told them they had to come back later and talk to him. And they did. We made it to a notery five minutes before closing time and they paid us in, you guessed it, cash! How’s that for a miracle!
Sounds like a miracle to me. Sounds similar to something I experienced. I was in a rough time financially, and I had a bill due (well, overdue actually) for school that I didn’t know how I was going to pay. I prayed to God and said, “Lord, I’m not trying to be greedy, but I need to pay for this and I don’t know how I’m gonna do it.” Well at that very moment a great feeling of peace came over me, and I heard a voice (or more like a thought) that said don’t worry, everything will be alright. I don’t know if it was God or just my imagination, but it gave me hope. The very next day, I received a check in the mail from my cell phone company, it was a refund of my deposit that I had paid over 2 years ago and forgotten about. It was just enough to cover school.

Praise God!
You all may enjoy this meditation I wrote a few years ago

Thanking God for Everyday Things

Enjoy 🙂
Amen, brother.

Looking back over the last few weeks, I have seen what could have been several miracles in my life.

One that really sticks out is that I injured my back on July 4. By July 5 I was bedridden and could not walk. July 6, in the e.r., yelling with pain every time I moved. July 7, still in bed. Morning of July 8, still bedridden. One of our priests called the house with a really innocuous question. I asked him to pray for me before the Blessed Sacrament. I felt a clear turn around within hours. By Saturday I was pain-free, up and brewing beer with my homebrew club. (A Guiness Stout clone, if you need to know).

Was it the drug cocktail the e.r. prescribed? Perhaps. Could it have been a miracle?

I’d like to think so. 🙂

Received a message of another miracle today related to a legal situation involving my family. St. Thomas More, thank you for your intercession!
Lance, This may not seem like a miracle to many but it sure was to me. One day I was praying, wondering where I was going to find the money for so many bills that I have. I prayed,“Lord, I know I’m supposed to trust you for everything but I need cash and soon.” A few hours later two people showed up at my door and asked me if I wanted to sell the old car in my driveway. It had no ‘for sale’ sign on it and I live in a cul-de-sac where it couldn’t be seen from the main street. It was my husband’s car so I told them they had to come back later and talk to him. And they did. We made it to a notery five minutes before closing time and they paid us in, you guessed it, cash! How’s that for a miracle!

Non-believers would tell you that it’s just a coincidence. We know the truth!
i am truly convinced of 2 things… my guardian angel is gray headed, and has most likely applied for transfer… 👍
space ghost:
i am truly convinced of 2 things… my guardian angel is gray headed, and has most likely applied for transfer… 👍
LOL. Mine probably has no hair left at all!
When I’m running late I never let it bother me because I just assume it’s for my own good. It’s amazing how many times I come upon the aftermath of an accident and realize I could have been involved if I hadn’t misplaced my keys, if my son hadn’t taken so long to find his sneakers, if I hadn’t received a phone call as I was going out the door, etc.

Have you seen the movie “Signs”?

It was poorly marketed as being a UFO movie, so I didn’t see it until a few months ago. I loved it, and think a lot of the posters to this thread will also enjoy it.
Paul W:
Have you seen the movie “Signs”?
Yes! 👍 Great recommendation. I found the movie very uplifting once you get past all the alien stuff!
I think miracles do happen… I remember once last year, when I was crossing a street that had no crosswalk. I didn’t see any cars coming, but in the middle of the street I suddenly found that I could not move at all. A large truck that I had not noticed went by perhaps six inches from me. If I’d taken one more step I’d have been under its wheels. :gopray2:
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