This type of phenomenon, the spontaneous apparition, has become one of the most widespread modern miracles…On Christmas Day that same year [1995], people all around the city of Teheran in Iran reproted seeing the image of CHrist appear on fences and building walls. Despite the fact the overwhelming majority…are Muslim, all witnesses believed they had seen visions of Jesus…An image of the Virgin Mary appeared on a roof of a San Francisco churhc, and visitors reported smelling an unsourced scent of rose petals. Another church in South Australia had a picture of the Holy Mother manifest itself on an inside wall and a spring of water with healing properties was found underneath the building. The most impressive example occured for three weeks around Christmas 1996, when almost half a million people saw the Virgin Mary on a black glass building in Florida. The image measured 50 feet wide and 35 feet tall, and remained inexplicable despite the fact that local scientists and academics stuided the apparition at length.