Misatrributed quote to Pope Pius XII?

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I’ve seen this floating around on the internet, but when I google the phrase it pops up as part of an Encyclical from Pope John XXIII.

Which is correct? Or am I just missing something?

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)


"181. “The Church of Jesus Christ,” as Our Predecessor Pius XII observed with such penetration, “is the repository of His wisdom; she is certainly too wise to discourage or belittle those peculiarities and differences which mark out one nation from another. It is quite legitimate for nations to treat those differences as a sacred inheritance and guard them at all costs. The Church aims at unity, a unity determined and kept alive by that supernatural love which should be actuating everybody; she does not aim at a uniformity which would only be external in its effects and would cramp the natural tendencies of the nations concerned. Every nation has its own genius, its own qualities, springing from the hidden roots of its being. The wise development, the encouragement within limits, of that genius, those qualities, does no harm; and if a nation cares to take precautions, to lay down rules, for that end, it has the Church’s approval. She is mother enough to befriend such projects with her prayers provided that they are not opposed to the duties incumbent on men from their common origin and shared destiny.”[43] "
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Paragraph 181 of Mater et Magistra, beginning with the words “The Church of Jesus Christ,” as Our Predecessor Pius XII observed with such penetration, … and ending with the words
their common origin and shared destiny." is taken from Pius XII’s encyclical Summi Pontificatus, according to footnote 43, which reads in full:
  1. Encyclical letter Summi Pontificatus: AAS 31 (1939) 428-29.
This page at the Holy See website (link below) links to the text of Summi Pontificatus in six languages. Curiously, there are quite significant discrepancies between them. Some are longer and others shorter. The paragraph mentioned in footnote 43 doesn’t appear in the English text, as far as I can see, but it does appear in the Latin text. My Latin is pretty shaky and I haven’t attempted to check the translation word for word, but on the surface, at least, it looks as though this is the right bit. For reasons too deep for me to fathom, the Holy See translators and editors have opted to leave the paragraphs in the Latin text unnumbered.

Iesu Christi Ecclesia, utpote fidelissima almae divinaeque sapientiae custos, non ea pro certo nititur deprimere vel parvi facere, quae peculiares cuiusvis nationis notas proprietatesque constituant, quas quidem populi iure meritoque quasi sacram hereditatem religiose acerrimeque tueantur. Ea siquidem ad unitatem contendit, superno illo amore conformatam et altam, quo omnes actuose exerceantur; non vero ad unamassequendam rerum omnium aequabilitatem, externam tantummodo atque adeo insitas vires debilitantem. Et curas omnes ac normas, quae facultatibus viribusque sapienter explicandis temperateque augendis inserviunt — quae quidem ex occultis cuiusvis stirpis latebris oriuntur — Ecclesia approbat maternisque votis proseguitur, si modo officiis non adversentur, quae communis mortalium omnium origo communisque destinatio imponant.

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