Miscarriage resources

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Hi all,

My sister recently suffered a miscarriage and I was wanting to find a good book to help her through this difficult time. Does anyone know of any books or other resources that would be helpful for helping her to deal with her grief?

Kimberly Hahn has a chapter on miscarriage in “Life-Giving Love”. It was a comfort in many ways and helped me cope with my grief in many ways, so I’d highly recommend it.
There’s a book called " Letters to Gabriel" written by Karen Santorum. It isn’t about a miscarriage, but a baby who dies right after birth. This book was given to me after I gave birth to my son Jared who was stillborn. I think regardless of when you lose a child, whether it is 6weeks 4 months and so on, it is a tremendous loss. This book was awesome. There are many things that she felt that I was feeling and I felt no one else around me could understand. She is a devout catholic, married to senator Rick Santorum. I had the pleasure of meeting them at a homeschooling conference last year in VA. and she is such a humble, beautiful person. We cried together. I highly recommend this book. I read it in a day. Very easy to read, even through the tears. The book by Kimberly Haun is also fantastic in many many ways. I recommend it also. God bless and I will keep your sister in my prayers.
Also have her look at this website:


Very good articles and an online support network of people who have been there. Some friends and relatives (such as myself) also go there to learn more about the greif related to this type of loss and how to help those they love through, so you might check it out too.
It’s a very faith-based group too.

Praying for her, she has a long road ahead, she’s lucky to have you.
Hello. My name is Mary. I have a resource that might help your sister with her grief. I, too, lost a child prenatally about nine years ago. After my terrible loss, a friend of mine gave me a doll. I named the doll the same name that I named my unborn child, and I cuddled with that doll whenever the grief paid me visits. Recently, I have started restoring Cabbage Patch dolls (remember those?) and making them birth certificates. I have given several of these restored dolls ( along with a short note of comfort) to some women who have had miscarriages. My hope is that the dolls can bring comfort to grief-stricken women who never had the chance to hold their babies. If you think your sister might like a doll, please let me know. arribadelcielo@yahoo.com
If she goes online, tell her about this one:


There is a very active messageboard on this website that is very supportive.

There is also a way to register her baby with the Shrine of the Holy Innocents. I think they’ll send you a certificate of some sort with the baby’s name, and include the baby in their book of life. I think the website is: www.innocents.com/bookoflife.html

Tell your sister that your e-friends are praying for her, baby, and family.

God Bless,
I’m truly sorry for your sister’s loss. Trusting is God is what has got me through it. I just miscarried this week myself. This is actually my 3rd miscarriage (all were miscarried around the 6th week), but this is my first miscarriage after being a mom. I have a 10 month old boy. I took this miscarriage the hardest because I see my son now and know he used to be the size of jelly bean inside of me. Now he has a personality and I couldn’t imagine my life without him.

Praying to God has got me through this. I truly believe that this was meant to be as part of God’s plan for me. The only thing that I haven’t been able to get off my mind is what happens to that soul. I’ve been trying to understand what God does with those unborn souls. I don’t have a good understanding and have been trying to look at the library of catholic.com. Does the soul go to purgatory? Can it ever get to Heaven? Is there are resources for this type of information?
Hi everyone,

Thanks for your replies. My prayers go out to all you moms who have suffered a miscarriage. I’ll give my sister your suggestions.


I’m sorry for your loss. I guess we don’t know for sure what happens to the souls of these babies, but as the Catechism says, “we entrust them to the mercy of God,” and have Hope that He can bring them to His presence. I too had a miscarriage at 8 weeks a few years ago, and for a long time thought there wasn’t even any soul at all because they never found any embryo in the sac. I now think there probably was a baby, and I can probably pray to and for him/her. But it is so hard living with the uncertainty. I guess that’s another thing I have to offer to God - our desire to have the answers. Below are two threads from the Ask the Apologist forum on the topic. God Bless,


I’ve been reading the board since Jadesfire20 (my sister) sent me the link with all your resources for coping with the grief of a miscarriage. I just wanted to thank you all for your responses they’ve been very helpful to me at a difficult time. I also wanted to say my thoughts and prayers are with the others on the board who’ve also experienced this loss.
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