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I hope everyone is doing better than I am. I am miserable. I’ve been very depressed lately, I am an unhappy, moody, grouchy person. I’ve been this way for a long time. My sinful life is killing me and I can’t seen to change things. I went to Eucharistic adoration felt great afterwards and the next day I felt aweful and today as well how can that be? I seem to have been a happier person before I tried to get some religion, how can this be? I have a great wife and kids and I’m a real jerk to them and I really don’t know why. I do the same thing at work. I go to the doctor later this month (November) maybe I’ll try to get put on something, or is that a sin? Thanks everyone ahead of time. :tiphat:
There could be several things going on, but you seem to be experiencing clinical depression. I have been suffering from this for almost 20 years. Mine is due to a chemical imbalance and will probably be on medication for the rest of my life. Yours may only be temporary, but still might need some help to get you thru it. Prayer always helps, and talking to a counselor may help as well.
There are so many kinds of depression that talking to your regular doctor is in the right direction.
Good luck and I say a prayer for you.

P.S. Talk to your wife and let her know what is going on and ask for her patience. You probably already have, but in case you haven’t…
I hope everyone is doing better than I am. I am miserable. I’ve been very depressed lately, I am an unhappy, moody, grouchy person. I’ve been this way for a long time. My sinful life is killing me
Praise the Lord!!! Your eyes have been opened!!! You see how you actually are through God’s eyes and that is the first step!!! What a wonderful grace he has given you.
Everyday is a battle for your soul. You must fight and sacrafice your needs and desires for the good of your family and friends.

I had a very bad time with gossiping, I still do, but what I decided to do is to remove myself from situation that would make me gossip. So no more sitting the the lunchroom at work and no more just standing in the hallway to have a conversation that could turn myself to gossip, and no more just speaking when I felt like it. It was hard at first, I’ve wanted to say so many things!!! But now I find myself uncomfortable in gossiping situations and find myself happy to remove myself from the coversation. Will I ever return to the lunchroom? I don’t know if I’ll ever be strong enough to do that.

In other words I look at my big sins and find a penance that will help me fix the situation.
Of course you were happy sinning! It feels good to sin otherwise we wouldn’t sin! Now you know what is right. You know what you have to do to be a true Christian. It’s hard to give up old habits but with little steps and a lot of prayer you can do it!! I believe you can because God has brought you to this realization!
Think and write about how you want to change. Discuss these changes with your wife. Come up with solutions together, maybe you will already have some in mind. Figure out how you want to implement them. You probably don’t want to do them all at once, no need to overwhelm yourself.

God will be pleased with you trying to improve, even if you fall a thousand times. He will still be pleased at the attempts.

Also, find a priest that you like and trust. Schedule a private confession time with him. Prepare yourself before you go. Think and write down any mortal sins you need to confess. Then write down your other sins. You may start to see a pattern. When you get to confession spill everything! Crying is okay here. Ask for how you can improve. Set up another time to go, at that time. Go as much as you need to until you feel you are getting a better grasps on your life.

Remember we will always be sinners. We cannot be perfect, only God is perfect!

May God lead and comfort you. Amen.

Dizzy Dave,

I had another thought on this…

Do you think maybe you are lashing out at your family and co-workers beacuse you know how you should act and you can’t?

Do feel overwhelmed by all the things that are out there to know and you will never be able to learn it all?

Do feel like you are striving to be perfect for Christ and in doing so you feel even more out of control?

Did you pick your screen name ‘dizzy’ as a call for help in clearing up your confusion?

Seek a spiritual director as I mentioned in my previous post.

Peace and tranquilty to you,

“By the practice of all the virtues, raise your little foot in an attempt to mount the stairway of sanctity, but do not imagine that you will be able to go up even the first step. God only asks for your good intentions. At the top of this stairway, He watches you lovingly. Soon, His love will be conquered by your vain efforts and He will Himself come down to carry you up in His arms.” (Saint Therese of Lisieux)

You know, I find myself in a similar situation whenever I stop relying on the power of my Heavenly Father and start relying on my own pathetic efforts. Everything seems to be in chaos, and I seem to treat everyone very badly. The truth is, we cannot do it on our own. All Our Lord wants is our good intentions. Just do your best, and He will take care of everything. If you are treating others badly, ask Him to fill you with His love, and to give you the gift of patience in all things.

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” (Matthew 7:7-8):blessyou:
I hope everyone is doing better than I am. I am miserable. I’ve been very depressed lately, I am an unhappy, moody, grouchy person. I’ve been this way for a long time. My sinful life is killing me and I can’t seen to change things. I went to Eucharistic adoration felt great afterwards and the next day I felt aweful and today as well how can that be? I seem to have been a happier person before I tried to get some religion, how can this be? I have a great wife and kids and I’m a real jerk to them and I really don’t know why. I do the same thing at work. I go to the doctor later this month (November) maybe I’ll try to get put on something, or is that a sin? Thanks everyone ahead of time. :tiphat:
Dizzy, Reread what you wrote and you will see all the negative things that you spoke. Life and death is in the power of the tongue. The things you have spoken are comming to play because you are giving a foothold to the enemy. You are speaking words of spiritual death.The enemy comes to steal and destroy all your joy. Try speaking with the power that God gave you through His Spirit. Example In the name of Jesus Christ I rebuke these feelings that have come to steal my joy. You Lord are my Joy for the joy of the Lord is my strength. Get the picture. Get the Word of God in you and begin to speak it against the enemy. When satan came against Jesus, Jesus said IT IS WRITTEN,and began to speak the Word. Thats what you need to do. God Bless you. 👍
Hi Dave!

I know the feeling! My mother died a year ago and I’ve been fighting depression ever since. It has definately affected my level of charity towards others (course this being an election year hasn’t helped 😛 ). Unfortunately Eucharistic adoration is only once a month during work hours so I can never go 😦 . I would definately recommend the rosary and when things get really bad, pray a novena to Saint Jude. The psalms are also helpful. I’m also in group therapy for depression and I have found that it is helping. Its great to know that 1) I’m not the only depressed person on campus and 2) I’m not the most screwed up person on campus!:rolleyes: Consider therapy…it may help you.

Hang in there!👍

I went to Eucharistic adoration felt great afterwards and the next day I felt aweful and today as well how can that be? I seem to have been a happier person before I tried to get some religion, how can this be?
I certainly can’t speak to whether what you are dealing with is clinical or not, but it wouldn’t hurt to talk to someone to rule it out or to get treatment.

Something else to think about…Satan doesn’t want us to be happy. Doesn’t want us to feel “adoration” or make any change in our lives. Maybe it’s just that God did make a change in your heart and now Satan is trying to undermine it.

My husband and I sometimes get in arguments after a service. How dumb is that? We’re flying high, encouraged and inspired by the message and then all of sudden we’re arguing about something stupid. Satan succeeded in taking the focus off of God.

Benignus is so right. Seek and you shall find. Ask and you shall receive.
I hope everyone is doing better than I am. I am miserable. I’ve been very depressed lately, I am an unhappy, moody, grouchy person. I’ve been this way for a long time. My sinful life is killing me and I can’t seen to change things. I went to Eucharistic adoration felt great afterwards and the next day I felt aweful and today as well how can that be? I seem to have been a happier person before I tried to get some religion, how can this be? I have a great wife and kids and I’m a real jerk to them and I really don’t know why. I do the same thing at work. I go to the doctor later this month (November) maybe I’ll try to get put on something, or is that a sin?
Dave, In the words of St. Teresa of Avila, “ Let nothing disturb you, let nothing frighten you…everything passes away except God.”…. Annunciata:)
good spiritual practices, reception of sacraments, prayer, adoration, obedience to commandments, are not there to make us feel good, be happy, content and consoled. they are simply duty we owe to God, our Father. They are not techniques we use to manipulate God into doing what we want, and their goal is not emotional or spiritual self-gratification. sometimes consolations accompany these practices, but we are warned by the great mystics and spiritual directors like Teresa, John of the Cross, Francis de Sales, Therese, not do confuse the feelings of good with the reality of good.
Hi Dizzy_Dave!
Sorry to hear you haven’t been doing that great lately. I will be praying for you. Maybe when you get discouraged about something and are feeling weak is when the devil sneaks up on you and tries to keep you down, so you feel like you are not getting anywhere. Keep praying and follow your heart. God will see you through. God Bless You!🙂
I seem to have been a happier person before I tried to get some religion, how can this be?
This problem is so common for everyone starting a serious journey to seek God. You were happier before. The devil had no reason to attack you and get you off track because you weren’t a threat. He had no reason to throw curves into your day and plant doubt into your mind. This is a spiritual war.

Pray for perseverance. As you get stronger you will be able to discern where the battle is coming from and can combat it with prayer.

The post from Benignus was dead on saying that you cannot do this alone. God is the only one who can help and you must completely place yourself in His care and trust.

Funny thing about the journey towards God. Why is it that arguments usually start before church, or immediately after? My biggest attack is ALWAYS after Adoration, when I come home and feel compelled to yell at my kids.

I pray your doctors appointment was helpful and you get relief from the Holy Spirit.
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