Mislabeled religious items on eBay

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So I went on eBay today to browse some particular religious items, and as usual found a bunch of religious stuff mislabeled/ misdescribed by dealers who I assume are non-Catholics or non-believers and don’t know what they are selling.

I found two separate sellers selling pictures of “Virgin Mary” that were very obviously St. Therese of Lisieux, in a Carmelite habit and carrying a crucifix and an armload of roses.

A third seller was selling a little reproduction of Da Vinci’s “Head of Christ” sketch (which depicts Christ with long hair and no facial hair) as a “Sketch, possibly Mary”.

A picture of the regally dressed Madonna and Child floating on a cloud over flaming Purgatory with souls in it and angels hovering around was labeled “Mary and Angels saving people from a fire.”

A couple times I’ve seen people posting medals of saints and they don’t have a clue who the person is so they label them “unknown saint”. These are like, really basic saints like St. Francis of Assisi, St. Thomas Aquinas, and St. Christopher. If I know the saint I message them and let them know who it is.

The worst one I ever saw was a few years ago when a seller was selling a brass wall ornament of a tau-rho Staurogram calling it a “Protestant Cross”. i didn’t know the Protestants were around already in 200 AD.

Anyone else have stories of mislabeled religious items to share?
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I haven’t touched ebay for years when it stopped being normal people and started being big businesses.

I prefer amazon.
No, but I did buy a very nice Coffee Press at a tag sale - it was mislabeled as a “food chopper”.
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