One of the priests in our deanery plans to offer the Latin Mass beginning September 14. I’m delighted! He has asked me to help with the music. I have sung in Latin quite a bit (choral works), and I do remember bits of the Latin Mass from my childhood, but in recent years I have only been able to attend the TLM a handful of times, so I am no expert. Perhaps those of you more familiar with it can help me out:
- What missal would you recommend that I purchase for my own use? If you have seen the versions published by both Angelus and Baronius, which do you prefer, and why?
- What parts of the Mass are usually sung by the choir in the Missa Cantata (sung Mass)?
- It is my understanding that Missals are likely to include several Ordinaries of the Mass in Gregorian Chant notation. Are they available somewhere in modern notation? (I could learn to read Gregorian Chant notation eventually, but probably not in time.)
- What about the Introit, Gradual, Alleluia, etc.? Does the choir sing any of these? If so, are there simple settings available in print, or should I just use plainchant tones?
- What about hymns? Are they the same as for the Novus Ordo Mass (i.e., Processional, Offertory, Communion, Recessional)?
- Is there a good hymnal that will cover all these bases?