Missal selection/music sources for TLM

  • Thread starter Thread starter PhilotheaZ
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One of the priests in our deanery plans to offer the Latin Mass beginning September 14. I’m delighted! He has asked me to help with the music. I have sung in Latin quite a bit (choral works), and I do remember bits of the Latin Mass from my childhood, but in recent years I have only been able to attend the TLM a handful of times, so I am no expert. Perhaps those of you more familiar with it can help me out:
  • What missal would you recommend that I purchase for my own use? If you have seen the versions published by both Angelus and Baronius, which do you prefer, and why?
  • What parts of the Mass are usually sung by the choir in the Missa Cantata (sung Mass)?
  • It is my understanding that Missals are likely to include several Ordinaries of the Mass in Gregorian Chant notation. Are they available somewhere in modern notation? (I could learn to read Gregorian Chant notation eventually, but probably not in time.)
  • What about the Introit, Gradual, Alleluia, etc.? Does the choir sing any of these? If so, are there simple settings available in print, or should I just use plainchant tones?
  • What about hymns? Are they the same as for the Novus Ordo Mass (i.e., Processional, Offertory, Communion, Recessional)?
  • Is there a good hymnal that will cover all these bases?
Thanks for any help you can give me. I’m sure the priest will help, but I don’t want to take hours of his time, so I’m trying to do a little homework.
The Baronius Press Missal has an imprimatur; the Angelus does not. Otherwise, they are similar and for your purposes, equally useful. Of course, a Liber Usualis, 1955 or later, is what you really need for the chants.

Yes, the choir sings the Propers (Introit, Gradual, Alleluia, Offertory, Communion). That is what the Liber is for. You can use simple Psalm tones or the “full” Liber version.

A Liber is modern notation is hard to find, but one is available for download here: quilisma-publications.info/liber_usualis.html

There is an opening and recessional hymn. The Offertory can be a hymn, organ piece, or piece sung by the choir. It must be in Latin, as it is “within” the Mass. There is no Communion hymn; generally the choir sings a piece, along with the Communion verse.

Our indult community thoroughly studied all of the in-print traditional hymnals and decided to use the Traditional Roman Hymnal by Angelus Press. It doesn’t have the broadest hymn selection, but it does have all of the Mass ordinaries. The publisher offers quantity discounts.

The Ordinaries are in the public domain, so you can always scan them in and print out handouts.

You may find our music listings and weekly handouts of some help: detroitlatinmass.org/jospht/Music.htm
Thank you very much, AlexB. This was an enormous help! The information you gave me helped me locate some other resources, too.
The Baronius Press Missal has an imprimatur; the Angelus does not. %between%
Actually since in terms of the Ordinary, Commons, Propers, Votives and other missal features, there have not been changes, the old Imprimatur from the Ideal Missal would apply to the Angelus Missal.

Overall the Angelus Missal is easier on the eyes and the rounder page edges are excellent. But the IHS on the Baronius cover is really unbeatable.
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