Missing Mass. *Women Only Please*

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Is a very heavy period or an early miscarriage valid reason to miss mass? Both are painful and mean the loss of much blood which could lead to anemia, faintness and extremely low energy. How should a woman determine if she can handle going to mass or not? If she feels faint (weak and dizzy/ close to fainting) while standing up walking etc. and has heavy blood loss is that valid reason to stay home?
I would think that the dangers posed by driving while you are dizzy or faint would pose a legitimate reason. Also considering what your obligations would be during mass such as if you are also taking care of small children while there that could further your weakness or likeliness to faint. If you thought you were going to pass out, maybe skip some of the standing.

Any time I’ve wondered if I should stay home but end up going to mass, I haven’t regretted it. Any time I have missed mass, it felt like the obvious choice.

Women often miss atleast one mass in recovery after childbirth, an extremely heavy period could mimic some of those symptoms, though I wouldn’t want to miss mass once a month. I hesitate to speak on what I have not experienced in miscarriage, but I could see how mass might be a needed balm for the soul in such times.
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The biggest problem is that it takes a few blocks to walk to mass (don’t have a car). So The walking is hard considering how much blood I have lost in the first day (yesterday). And, it is still quite heavy. I was in so much pain yesterday I was shaking and crying in bed all day. Today the pain isn’t as bad but the lack of any energy and the feeling of faintness is problematic. I was able to catch part of the live mass on TV though and it is my understanding that the live blessing is valid (though, of course, no substitute for going to mass). Also, I can’t take any pain relievers because they will interfere with another medication in my system at the moment (from an unrelated medical condition). I was looking forward to going to mass, but I really don’t want to push myself so much that I pass out or make my condition worse.
If you are feeling faint, I think it is best to remain home.

I know it is a difficult topic, but perhaps you can email your priest with your concerns. I think you have reason to stay home. I don’t think God wants you passing out during mass or on your way to and from church.
It sounds like your walk there is a legitimate danger to you. If you are going through all of that and still not sure if you should miss mass, God knows you didn’t make the decision lightly. You passed out on the side of the road isn’t a good plan. You have a valid reason to miss.
I’ve had periods bad enough where I simply couldn’t function because the pain made me nauseous. You can’t pray in Mass when you’re barfing or feeling dizzy. For me, these were mostly a long time ago when I was in college. I remember one time having to leave a class early and maybe two times I was unable to go into work right away. (The pain seemed to be worse at the beginning of the day, probably because I hadn’t taken any IB profin in a while.) If this is a frequent problem for you, I would consider seeing a ObGyn, especially one trained in NaPro technology. This could be a sign of something more serious.
Serious medical conditions are a valid reason to stay home, and a miscarriage is certainly a qualifying medical condition!

My rule of thumb, if I would get up and go to work, I will get up and go to Mass. Assuming my work has sick days/PTO, if I would call in and take a day, I stay home from Mass.

May God give you peace, comfort and strength as you heal.
of course, I trust she is under medical care. There are a few reasons for pain , one common one is endometriosis, easily detected with ultra sound. My prayers are with her.
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You know your own body. Do not ask if it is “bad enough”. You know whether it is or isn’t, no one here does. Not all women experience the same level of menstruation. What one can do another may not be able to.

Form your conscience and be at peace. Illness is excused. If you are ill, you are ill.
The Church says illness excuses you from mass, not how ill you have to be. The Church in her wisdom leaves that up to each individual.
of course, I trust she is under medical care. There are a few reasons for pain , one common one is endometriosis, easily detected with ultra sound. My prayers are with her.
err, I don’t know of how you take this affirmation, but a definitive diagnostic of endometriosis is not something easily detected. And often an utrasound is not enough.
" Ultrasound imaging won’t definitively tell your doctor whether you have endometriosis, but it can identify cysts associated with endometriosis (endometriomas)."Endometriosis - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic
A lot of know women have spoken of it easily, it is hard to have a accurate diagnostic. And in many time take years (see wikipedia for confirmation).
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Without making it a debate on periods or any others medical conditions, you are the only person who know if you are able to go to mass or not during it. We are differents people, and cannot feel what you feel.

An early miscarriage can be a reason too to miss: you have lost a child!
But don’t neglet prayer if you feel the need.
My daughter in law is going through it now, first step ultrasound if it is detected in any form then further mediation is warranted and beneficial. we trust her specialist rather then wikipedia .
This is why I said I trust she is under medical care.
Yes, ultrasound can be only a first step.

Don’t worry, I don’t trust only wikipedia, I was just shearching an English reference that is controversial.
Best to ask medical professionals, my daughter in law to be has been in ER several times with with bad pain. I cam understand the OP, it’s very debilitating for her.
I know this is a tangent, but endometriosis is not always easily detected. Sometimes it is, but other times it isn’t easy to get a diagnosis.
What you describe is a health condition … a cycle that is that strong and causes that much pain is not only a reason to miss mass, but also a reason to miss school and work … you shouldn’t be worried … God sees all.
Miss, have you seen a doctor for this level of blood loss?
You really should.
And different illnesses effect different people in different ways … there is nothing set in stone … you have to go according to how you feel … that also goes for going to a doctor … because it sounds as if this person should be seeing one.
Thank you al for your replies. I now know that it was a miscarriage and that it was fine to rest that day. It got traumatic towards the end but I am glad I stayed home. God bless you all!
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