Missing my girlfriend

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Any advice on what you all have done when you miss your gf/bf or spouse? My girlfriend spent the weekend with my family and I drove her back today about an hour ago. I’ll see her in 6 days back at college for her final semester and my 2nd to last semester. I broke down in tears on the drive back home from missing her. What helps you when you are sad missing your significant other? I put on a podcast and that helped
Keep yourself busy. Do what you would normally do, your hobbies etc. Go out with friends, have some fun. Don’t dwell on how much you miss her, think you’ll see her in a few days 🙂
I’ve had a few long distance relationships that were over 1,000 miles apart, one lasting nearly 2 1/2 years.

First, you’re going to miss them and you’re just going to have to get used to it a little bit. Second, make sure that you talk on the phone, email, txt… or something to stay in communication and in each others lives during your time apart. Share your day with each other, share your experiences. In sharing your experiences, that means that you are out doing things so that next time you talk to her you can tell her about what you did. . . .
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I agree communication is important. We text during the day and call once a day at least. While she was visiting my house for the weekend we went to two different jewelry stores and shopped for engagement rings 😍
You could write her a letter, pour out your feelings to her. Then put it in a drawer of your desk for one week before mailing it (or not).
OP, how long have you been together with your girlfriend? It’s normal to want to be with a bf or gf, but it’s only going to be 6 days. That’s not a lot of time. Especially in these days of texting.
Oh, because according to your history, in August you did not seem to have a girlfriend when you were attending a wedding. So I thought maybe this was a new girlfriend or something.
We went on dates back then but were not officially dating so she did not come to the wedding as per the post. But counting from when we started going on dates, it has been close to a year
tell her about what you did and not that you were at home all day sobbing- she want’s an interesting man, not a boy.
I have to say, I think that is terrible advice. For one thing, the OP said nothing about being at home all day sobbing. What he said was, “I broke down in tears on the drive back home from missing her.” Why would you think that somebody who does stay at home all day sobbing is “a boy” and not “interesting” or a “man”? Personally, I think it is very attractive for a man to be able to show how he feels. You seem to think that a man admitting to crying is indicative of immaturity, of not being a real man. Quite the contrary, I’d say that it’s thinking that men shouldn’t cry that is a mark of real immaturity.
Can you text or FaceTime her at all? My Daughter lives far from me and I miss her very much. We text often and FaceTime. It makes it seem like there aren’t as many miles between us.
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I’d say buck up boy. Lots of people don’t get to see their significant others. Think of military
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