Missionary killed by world's most unaccessable tribes

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I was away from this forum for some period and rejoined today.Hope I get some light in this advent period.
Don’t know whether this matter which happened a week ago came up here.An American Missionary was killed by a tribe who live in an Indian island completely cutoff from the world.They really live in a stone age and won’t allow outsiders to enter the island.Will kill with arrows.Indian govt.also want them to be left alone.
Sad.I feel it is a crime against humanity to let them live an animal life.The missionary who dared to go there in an attempt to show them the light of our Saviour, inspite of extremely hostile situation deserves to be praised though many say that he should not have tried to disturb their way of life. Attached is a news cutting.(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
There’s already been a thread about this, just FYI.
You really must consider one things VERY important before mailing this statement.

This tribe live out of contact without outside since always. They are not immunised with out deseases.
Do you want a genocide ? Really?
I am not joking at all. It happened on history. Carraibean indians have Been extincted with plagues imported by europeans.

CCC Saïd that people who cannot access to gospel may bé or Can bé saved.
Thanks for the reference of the Cathechism.

But my point stay the same. We cannot, in the name of the prapagation of the faith, and counter the ignorence of the Gospel, go to evanzelised a _first people _(yes, like Native americans) who live apart of the contenporany world, distroyed their way of life, and more shortly killed them and extincted their lineage from the Earth forever, by contamination with imnunized desease.

What good does it will done? None.

In what aspect this existence of these people make you some harm?

I can understand the motive of the missionary, but it was like a suicide expedition, and it’s better that he cannot have contact. He perfectly knew that what he had done is illegal. He had a bad judgment.
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We can apply this Lumen Gentium idea to many situations in our world. People that may be evangelized are many. No need to find some people who are inaccessible.

I think that our pope does not think that we have a duty to evengelized this first people.

As for the spread of a desease, I don’t think that we can prevent the people, or at least some people to die. It seems impossible. Learn the lessons from the history. There is no reason to take the risk to kill 50% of the population to try to evangelized the other.
This people have suffered from the past too. It explained their refusal of any contact. They are protected by the Indian State. (and we are not Indians, so it’s none of our business).

We cannot impose our faith to the others. We don’t have the same language, the same way of life, the same way of thinking. All the time we do it with a first people, they were very badly impact (see native Americans, Aborigine of Autralia, and the now extincted Aborigines of Tasmania).
Then, to export an occidental way of life should be a pre requirement to any evanzelisation. Does this people want that? Obviousely no.
I just hope you that this question you ask me is a general one, and has nothing to do with the first topic, which is the evangelization of this first people.

Sorry, because if it is the case, this should go to nowhere. They will be dead before being Christians. I am sure that we have no duty to them. I think your view seems much more rooted in supremacy theory than in catholic theology (at least in actual one).

I am certainely not always 100% correct in catholic doctrine, but no, I don’t considered myself a theological liberal.
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That’s funny because we discuss of this same news with my husband yesterday.

And he accused me of the opposite of what you said me. That I am a religious fanactic, and stupid on this question. He waited a clear condamnation from me to what this American (yes, only an American can do that…)missionary had done!
That’s a hard issue, because if we learn history, we have to aknowledge that when a first people is uprooted, and turn to occidental life, even with the help of christians missions, It don’t end very well. Some good come, and some saints too, but some very bad too. (people who stop to multiply, death, abused, alcohol, miserable life, social, moral and familial misery…)
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We have to face it, many, people who live in extreme misery, which is often liked with moral misery are very far away to the faith. They can believe in God, but will not be a catholic who live according the catholic principles. Their live is much more complicated to they don’t have the priviledge to take care of their actions in a Godly way in many circonstances.
Their free will is to remain inclusive from the world, they have that right.

The missionary is a martyr, God Bless him for his sacrifice.

That said this native population does not have immunizations so it’s very risky exposing them to diseases. But hey, we all have to die eventually so the missionary probably thought I will bring them Christ. Given the natives also have free will this might be a contested thing, I don’t know
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The simple fact is that they live exactly an animal life.No merit in the contention that outside contact will make them prone to deceases because who knows whether they are not now suffering from easily curable deceases and are already perishing? No true christians can say that they should be allowed to live(and die!) alone without knowing about our Lord,because such christians are yet to understand the fundamental purpose of creation of man on earth vis a vis animals.Pray that God give wisdom and discernment to those opposing the attempts to evangelise these tribes.
What the bold Missionary wrote last is quite relevant.Extrat of the news in this regard reproduced below:

“Lord, is this island Satan’s last stronghold where none have heard or even had the chance to hear your name?” he wrote in a diary of his last days provided to The Washington Post by his mother.
Then why don’t we all confess and kill ourselves to be saved?
That’s the logic for death penalty also.
A nation has a right to refuse entry to outsiders, and this island is effectively a sovereign nation under the protection of India’s navy. A nation further has an absolute right to refuse missionaries that do not belong to the true faith, the Catholic Church.

The man who was killed was an adventure seeking, faith-alone Evangelical. He was not sponsored by any church, and certainly not the Catholic Church.

He was killed on his second visit, after the being injured on his attempt the day before. Jesus tells us to shake the dust off our feet when a village refuses an Apostle. His second visit was foolish.

The Indian government does not neglect them; they had attempted contact for decades, and were rebuffed at every attempt. In a generation, they may attempt contact again. The current population, however, has refused contact, and harrassing them further would be counter productive.

Catholic missionaries has always laerned local customs and taugh the faith through the lens of what is already good and holy in a culture. Saint Paul, for instance, pointed out the Shrine of the Unknown God in Athens as a way of showing them their understanding of religion was incomplete.

The “missionary” who was killed had no respect or understanding of local customs. He did not even speak the language, and illegally entered there territory with no support from lawful authorities.

The tribe on the island had no way of knowing his intentions. They do know, however, that outsiders had dominated and exploited neighboring islands for centuries, and had no reason to trust some random guy who paddled in from a commercial fishing boat.

The simple truth is that a true missionary was not killed. A foolish trespasser was killed after illegally crossing their borders.
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Do you think every non-Christian (or every non-Catholic, which would include the missionary) is per se damned to hell?
The simple truth is that a true missionary was not killed. A foolish trespasser was killed after illegally crossing their borders.
I agree with your analysis overall, but just for the sake being charitable to this guys memory, it sounds like his heart was in the right place even if his attempts were misguided.
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I was away from this forum for some period and rejoined today.Hope I get some light in this advent period.
Don’t know whether this matter which happened a week ago came up here.An American Missionary was killed by a tribe who live in an Indian island completely cutoff from the world.They really live in a stone age and won’t allow outsiders to enter the island.Will kill with arrows.Indian govt.also want them to be left alone.
Sad.I feel it is a crime against humanity to let them live an animal life.The missionary who dared to go there in an attempt to show them the light of our Saviour, inspite of extremely hostile situation deserves to be praised though many say that he should not have tried to disturb their way of life. Attached is a news cutting.
I hate to say this but it was a bad decision and completely unreasonable to contact a tribe that has had no contact with the real world. People have been killed before. They don’t like strangers.

Having said that i am sure the missionary had good intentions and i am sure he deserves our prayers.
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Non-ignorance is superior to ignorance (ignorance is not bliss), but since we know better than our ancestors and understand things such as germ theory, and also the social ills and exploitation that easily come with contact with Neolithic societies, there is a moral obligation to approach these cultures in a way that is safe.
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