Missionary work?

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Hello evreryone;
I have a question about missionary work, I’m not the best typer in the world so I’ll give a brief outline.
 I was raised in the church but had a very rebellious early adulthood. I married a protestant girl I met when I was 13 years old, joined the electrical union and was making 80 grand a year. Life was good.

 Then my son was born (who I love very much). He is autistic and his mother is his entire world. Well the stress of everything ruined the marriage no matter what I tried. I had in the meantime rededicated myself to the church. Funny how somethings change your outlook.

 Now, the only obligation I have in life is a reasonable child support settlement.

 The missionary field has been in my mind for a very long time, but it seemed unreasonable untill lately. Lately the urge has become more and more insistant but I've no idea where to go with this. I have 30 years left and have no desire to spend it stockpiling money and things (as my grandfather rolls in his grave). Now I realize I'm not the best talker in the world, but in 30 years I can wire alot of medical clinics and homes.

 Anyone know what I should do?
I admire this chose but I’m sorry I haven’t any information on missions. I would start with your parish preist or the office of the diocese.

Good luck to you and God Bless
Check out the Legion of Mary they are all over and have been doing this for years.


God Bless
Thank you both very much for your help. I believe I will discuss this with one of the priests (big church here) and I’m going to check out that website right now. (Mary loves me!!) could be a sign 😉

I assure you that there is nothing to admire. Things for some reason give me no pleasure, not that there is anything wrong with possesions. But I remember once, I had just found out my son was autistic and was having a pity party, when I watched a woman carry her son with MS into the school. My son was different and she was going to bury hers. I felt so guilty because I couldn’t let go of my son to carry him for her.

But there are others in need and without Christ, so in a way I would be saving myself with them, if I helped them.

But in all things the Lord’s will be done. I’m not a theologian but I know how to follow orders.

Do you specifically want to go overseas or would you consider helping out at home? Catholic Charities might be able to use your skills to help elderly people with little income right in your area who live in older homes with outdated electrical wiring.

I know that my parents were blessed to have the funds and the foresight to get their older home rewired about 15 years ago. The next door neighbor spent her money on landscaping and other cosmetic fixes and then had an electrical fire that nearly cost her the house.

Catholic Charities may partner with Habitat for Humanity or some other group in building new homes for low income people also. There are still groups working to rebuild in the Gulf Coast area from the hurricanes that could use your expertise on possibly a working vacation if you don’t want to move there.
Hello evreryone;
I have a question about missionary work, I’m not the best typer in the world so I’ll give a brief outline.
 I was raised in the church but had a very rebellious early adulthood. I married a protestant girl I met when I was 13 years old, joined the electrical union and was making 80 grand a year. Life was good.

 Then my son was born (who I love very much). He is autistic and his mother is his entire world. Well the stress of everything ruined the marriage no matter what I tried. I had in the meantime rededicated myself to the church. Funny how somethings change your outlook.

 Now, the only obligation I have in life is a reasonable child support settlement.

 The missionary field has been in my mind for a very long time, but it seemed unreasonable untill lately. Lately the urge has become more and more insistant but I've no idea where to go with this. I have 30 years left and have no desire to spend it stockpiling money and things (as my grandfather rolls in his grave). Now I realize I'm not the best talker in the world, but in 30 years I can wire alot of medical clinics and homes.

 Anyone know what I should do?
A child support payment is not your only obligation. It is to be a father to your son. That may be difficult with the bad between you and your ex. I applaud your desire to be a missionary and know that your skills are highly desirable in poor regions. Good luck and God bless.
A child support payment is not your only obligation. It is to be a father to your son. That may be difficult with the bad between you and your ex. I applaud your desire to be a missionary and know that your skills are highly desirable in poor regions. Good luck and God bless.
 Normally I would agree here; however, I said ENTIRE world. I literally do not exist to him. With alot of work that may change one day, I hope for possibly an assisted living type environment, but that is up to God. I spent quite a bit of time with him and managed to get it so he wouldn't look away when I looked at him, but that is the best I could do. When you have a severly autistic son even the tiniest of gestures are worth the years of waiting.

 Now his mother won't let me see him. I know I could fight this, but is it really worth that? Perhaps I should move on and see if the Lord changes the situation later? Perhaps I should get a lawyer and fight this tooth and nail. Perhaps this, perhaps that.

 I will say this much (with no malice entended) I married a protestant girl in a civil ceremony, but I did everything I would do if I had taken the vows before God. (because in my mind I did)  I gave a brief outline of the living hell the last 8 years were, if I seriously told someone the entire story there is NO way they would believe it all. If they knew me personally they wouldn't believe I wasn't in prison. (but who would look after the boy?) I realize that is a horrible thing to say, does anyone feal that makes me a terrible person? Every day I crucify the flesh, many sleapless nights I have begged/screamed at the Lord for an answer. (Am I terrible yet?)

 These are the things we don't say aloud. Look at the priest at your next mass. What is his story? A born saint? ...Well, I am no saint. I'm fairly certain I'm not going to get cannonized either. What I am is a man that has lost a son he never had, the love of his life, and the reason he had for living. And I have slowly for the last 1 1/2 years clawed my way from an unbelievable depression (that still comes to me some nights) to the desicion that if Christ is not the answer for this life, then I envy those already in the ground. And the bible promises those that seek shall find, even though it doesn't say how much that takes or if it is the same for everyone. The strange thing is... is that through the worst of things my mind kept drifting  back to the time I saw the virgin. Sometimes that was all that kept me from insanity. Perhaps she looked down and had mercy on me.

 Either way, I assure everyone I know exactely what my responsibilities are. I also assure you that I have paid my dues and will not be judged by anyone until my Lord does it personally (I realize this was not the writer's intent) It is easy to gamble a sure win, it is understandable to gamble a possible, but sometimes it takes a real man to gamble knowing full well he is about to get beatin' like a cheap rug. All it costs is  pride(foolishness) sanity (overrated) and realizing the life you put so much stock in was an empty sack (and that is the hard one).

 It has been a tough  fight, but I have managed to get up one more time. But you know what? Somtimes, if you manage to keep getting up--you end up winning!
--------The race does not always go to the fastest :nope:
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