Hello evreryone;
I have a question about missionary work, I’m not the best typer in the world so I’ll give a brief outline.
I have a question about missionary work, I’m not the best typer in the world so I’ll give a brief outline.
I was raised in the church but had a very rebellious early adulthood. I married a protestant girl I met when I was 13 years old, joined the electrical union and was making 80 grand a year. Life was good.
Then my son was born (who I love very much). He is autistic and his mother is his entire world. Well the stress of everything ruined the marriage no matter what I tried. I had in the meantime rededicated myself to the church. Funny how somethings change your outlook.
Now, the only obligation I have in life is a reasonable child support settlement.
The missionary field has been in my mind for a very long time, but it seemed unreasonable untill lately. Lately the urge has become more and more insistant but I've no idea where to go with this. I have 30 years left and have no desire to spend it stockpiling money and things (as my grandfather rolls in his grave). Now I realize I'm not the best talker in the world, but in 30 years I can wire alot of medical clinics and homes.
Anyone know what I should do?