Missions Trip to India

  • Thread starter Thread starter joanofarc143130
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I am 18 years old and I would love to go to India to help people out. I am wondering if anyone knows of a good Catholic organization to do a missions trip with. I would love to work with Mother Teresa’s Misionaries of Charity during all or part of it…I have no idea where to get started but I love India and I really feel that God wants me to go there!
go online to the Catholic Network of Volunteer Services www.cnvs.org it lists missionaries, religious orders, charitable institutions that recruit Catholic volunteers and lay missioners. they are listed ABC, but also by geographic area, inside and outside the US, age range of volunteers, and by type of service (teaching, whatever).and length of service term. the directory is free, you can also do an application on-line and be matched with opportunities that fit your parameters
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