Ok, so here’s another I learned from having a few flying lessons years ago regarding which way a plane is travelling in, because sometimes it’s hard to tell.
We remember p.s, as is written sometimes at the bottom of a letter. P is port (the wine) which is red and s is starboard which is green. Just remember the red port and if it’s green it’s on the other side.
Secondly the letters ps on a page occur with p on the left and s on the right, in this case p for port for red (the red light) is on the left if you’re in the plane and s for starboard is green and on your right if you’re in the plane.
So if you see two lights in the sky on a plane and the red one is on the left it’s travelling away from you, if the red is on the right it’s coming towards you! This could be very useful if you happen to be walking down a runway at night.
This also applies to boats as well in that if you’re facing towards the pointy end (the bow) then PS applies too.
So simple I’m sure I could have written in two lines! I might edit this.