Modern Day Holy Men/Women... where are they found today?

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Hi everyone,
I wanted to make a thread focusing on modern day holy men/women who in humility shy away from the limelight, yet, have a faithful following that recognize the holy lives they are leading.

Who do you recognize as a holy person in these modern times? A holy person living in true humility not seeking to glorify themselves, but, glorify God and who have helped others immensely through their prayers and counsels?

I am not asking for saints or holy people of these modern times that have already passed (Like St. Gemma Galgani), but, those that are still alive today. What joy it would be to know of other Padre Pio’s, Father Solanus’ and Mother Teresa’s around today… (well, not exactly like them… but, you know what I mean)

Sooo… I anxiously await the replies and hope this thread doesn’t go into the “dead bin” too fast. lol

God bless
I think the holy people that I try to follow are found right in my own parish. It is the Priests who pray, sacrifice and fast for their parishoners. It is the families who are open to life, attend daily mass, spend time adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, volunteer their time and prayers for others, and support the vocations of their children. They do this not for recognition or fame, but out of love for God and neighbor. In fact, many may even be persecuted in some way for standing up for the truth. These are the people that I try to model my life in order to grow in holiness.
My priest! He glows when he says Mass. Also one of the elderly sisters here.
There are holy people all around us but just not as famous as St. Pio or Mother Theresa. You probably meet them everyday.

I know of a few parish priests, and many that I work for. I have seen some saintly consecrated, and religious. I know my husband is a saint because he puts up with me and does everything never complaining always going the extra mile for my kids, and grandchildren, and I see parents who go above and beyond and never complain yet you see them at adoration, daily Mass, and always a great attitude and prayer life. There are many saints among us. We just have to look closer at the people we deal with everyday.
My mother.

She sees something that needs doing and just does it. Very few people know what she does.

For example:
One Sunday she was driving home from Mass and saw a woman sitting in a bus shelter. Since the buses don’t run on Sunday she stopped and asked the woman if she realised that.

It turned out that the woman was visiting from another city and the friend who she was travelling with had died. She was passing time until the hospital released the body so she could fly home.

Mum took her home, rang the hospital giving them her contact phone number and gave the woman lunch. When the hospital phoned Mum drove the woman to the airport which was about 40 minutes away and waited with her until she boarded the plane.

My sister found out about this only when she saw a Thank You card my mother received.

Mum is 74 and does advocacy work for intellectually and physically disabled people, drives people to appointments (2-3 hours away in another city), fund raises for special needs such as a young man who needed funds to fly to Australia for a kidney transplant, for a family who lost everything in a fire etc…

My mother is my hero. She doesn’t even tell her own family what she does, we will find out one day in Heaven.

And, yes, we have a holy and reverent priest. He not only loves God, he is in love with Him.
🙂 Where do we find them?


But if it’s Carmelites of Sixteenth Century Spain you want, you’ll find a worthy, lean, tough and hardbitten successor to St. Theresa of Avila, with eleven sisters aged between 25 to 35, not that far from the Texas-Mexican border.

And you’ll find all this maybe an hour or so’s drive south of Del Rio, Texas, in Morelos, Coahuila, population maybe 2,000 souls total.

And where you find at least two(2) other orders of religious sisters.

Morelos, Coahuila!

Where the Catholic future of the entire world is already well on the way to being manifested.


Aurelio 👍
Thanks for all of your posts… it warms the heart to know all of the people who have touched your lives and whose holiness is an inspiration.

God bless 🙂

P.S: Keep 'em coming.
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