I have only been on this site for one day, but I have seen a lot of judgement, dissension and anger. This is not what I expected. I am looking for a place of peace, support, and love. I am not sure there is anyplace in this world for me. I feel and have always felt a calling to the monastic life, preferably with the Franciscans. Before I continue to try to pursue that calling, I want to know if it is even possible. I saw that one monastery had an age limitation. Can I not join if I am 47 years old? Can I not join if I am divorced, even though I did everything I could to prevent it? Can I not join if I am obligated to pay child support for the next 12 years? If their is so much dissension within the church as I have seen among participants on this site, maybe my desire to be a peacemaker could be useful.
Welcome to CAF! I’m sorry your first day on the site has been a rocky one, but there can often be heated discussions on certain threads. After awhile, you will learn to avoid certain topics if you are trying to avoid dissension. Again, sorry your first encounter here was such a bad one :hug1:
As for your questions about the monastic life…
Most religious communities have age limits. You will have to contact individual monasteries and ask.
As far as being divorced, that might not be an impediment, but being a parent of a dependent child will be. Your first vocation is as a parent. You cannot put that vocation aside to pursue another.
I am also 47, am divorced, and have a young son. And I, too, am a contemplative in spirit. Regardless of what I want in this life for myself, I must – MUST – live out my vocation of mother for my son before all other obligations. Perhaps there is a place, a little nest, where God will send me in my later years when my son is independent. But for now, I live the life of a hyper-active contemplative.
Get in touch with some Franciscans, and begin a relationship of dialogue. You may not be able to join – now, or later – but you may find a way to live as a contemplative Franciscan in the world.
God bless you!