I’ve often been confused about my vocation. I’m 28 now and full of regrets in my attempts to find the right girl. I know a few people in the church I’d like to talk to about this, but I’m wondering if I should bother? I have a house and a dog. The house I’d be happy to sell (I often find some peace in solitude, but I lack the discipline to take care of everything on my own, and feel like it would be better to sell my stuff and let someone who needs money enjoy it). The dog is another story. I’d be pretty excited to find a community that would accept us both. Are there any? There’s an Eastern Orthodox monastery in New York that takes dogs (and they have some really good books on dog training), but I’m Roman Catholic and drawn to the Franciscan order (although I think there are many good ones and am open to exploring others). Also, can anyone recommend resources on the discernment process? I’ve been discerning since I was a teenager on my own, but it’s always been more about praying on my own and deciding not to talk to anyone, which I’m thinking may have been less about what God wants of me and more about what I want. Sorry for the long-winded question, but I’m just not sure how to go about this. I’ve been away from the Church since high school, despite occasionally going to church and claiming to be Catholic. I just feel like God is calling me back in a big way right now, but am looking for some guidance, I guess.