*“Ask and you shall receive.” *
God reserves great graces to those who pray. Those who pray fervently, eventually achieve greater union with God (i.e. sanctity), and *‘the continual prayer of a just man availeth much.’ *(James 5:16) It is ultimately love that draws down God’s blessings on souls, and many are called to love God by following the Rule of a certain Order.
We can and should pray for others, in imitation of Jesus, Mary and all the Saints. Prayer does not change God, but God has
ordained that we pray fervently to Him for final perseverance, the conversion of sinners etc.
One fervent soul does more good for the world than a great number of lukewarm souls. Bl. Alexandrina, for example, though bed-ridden for years, was told by Our Lord that she saved thousands by her terrible sufferings. “You will save more souls through prayer and suffering," said Our Lord to St. Faustina, "than will a missionary through his teachings and sermons alone.”
“A single burning prayer of the seraphic St. Theresa (as was learned through a highly creditable revelation) converted ten thousand heretics.”
– Jean Baptiste Chautard, ‘The Soul of The Apostolate’
"Because of your prayers and sufferings I will pour out upon sinners the treasures of My merits."
- Jesus to Venerable Margaret of the Blessed Sacrament