Moody Bible College

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I’m wondering what sort of reputation Moody Bible college has regarding Catholicism. I have run into someone who attended many years ago, and am curious to know if the college is anti-Catholic to any degree.

Thanks in advance for any (name removed by moderator)ut.
I’m wondering what sort of reputation Moody Bible college has regarding Catholicism. I have run into someone who attended many years ago, and am curious to know if the college is anti-Catholic to any degree.
And what if it were? 🙂 Being in a hostile environment means that your beliefs would be challenged, the tenets of your faith put to the test. In response to this pressure, one of two things would happen:

a) You would re-think your Catholicism, perhaps converting to a different religion that you agreed with more, or
b) You would re-think your Catholicism and revel in its truth, reaffirming your belief in its tenets.

Are either of these at all undesirable? 🙂

I am curious to know because it relates to a person I met who attended there. I am wondering if some of his attitudes are related to his college experience or come from elsewhere. That’s all. If you can’t answer the question, and have nothing to offer, then don’t presume to know why I am asking or change the subject to one of your own liking. Start a separate thread with your questions, if you like.
i hope this will help i been reding a book by david currie. he use to be a fundamentalist for many years now is catholic,any way in his conversion story he mentioned this college called moody bible institute.i think this is a fundamental school. his parents were both teachers at this college, and his parents are christian preachers. i hope this help. god bless you.🙂
The Moody Bible Institute was founded by Dwight L. Moody, who was a staunch Dispensationalist. In Dispensationalist theology, the Catholic Church is not looked upon very well. It is, in fact, considered to be the beast, and the pope the anti-christ.

I have ran into some hyper-dispensationalists who were extremely anti-catholic. But on the other hand, I have met a few at our local Moody Christian bookstore, and they are somewhat more “moderate” in their beliefs.

The recent book series Left Behind was written by two very well-known dispensationalist writers. As is stated in the following USA Today article
Some Roman Catholics and conservative Protestants have charged that the Left Behind novels are anti-Catholic because the scenario includes a future pope who establishes a false religion linked with the Antichrist. Critics also say that apocalyptic and poetic writings have been interpreted as literal forecasts rather than as symbolic messages to the church.
You can read another critique of the Left Behind series at the following Catholic News Service website:

In Manibus Dei,
  • muledog

Dwight Moody, the founder of the Moody Bible Institute was not particularly anti-Catholic in his preaching. In fact, for a Baptist clergyman of his day (mid- to late-19th century), he was really rather moderate and even-handed in his attitude toward Catholics.

The school itself has continued pretty much in that same vein, unless something has changed of late. That any of Moody’s graduates may have a particularly anti-Catholic bias is likely more a product of their own prejudices than any that were instilled by the school.

It also has a record of being among the more scholarly of the stand-alone “bible colleges”, a distinction that has been true of it from its early times. Moody himself had a 5th grade formal education and placed great emphasis on the value of clergy being better educated than he had been.

Many years,


You are wrong about the role of the Pope in dispensationalist eschatology. In fact, dispensationalism broke with much previous Protestant tradition in denying that the Pope was Antichrist. Rather, dispensationalists believe that the Antichrist is a future figure and is an individual rather than an office. Many dispensationalists are anti-Catholic and thus hold that the Antichrist (or more likely the “false prophet” as in Left Behind) will be a Pope who will unite all the world’s religions. But this isn’t essential to dispensationalism. What Moody himself believed about the Papacy I don’t know. I have quite a bit of experience with Moody folks because they have an aviation school in East Tennessee, where I grew up, and several of my best friends’ parents worked or studied there. Moody is sort of on the boundary between “fundamentalist” and “evangelical” (if we’re making that distinction)–which way you define them depends on how strictly you’re defining “fundamentalist.” They generally use the NIV rather than the KJV and they love Billy Graham. They would believe that the Bible is inerrant in the original autographs, and most of them would believe in seven-day creation. They would tend to focus on your “personal relationship with Jesus” rather than on whether you dot all the doctrinal i’s. In my experience, their attitude to Catholics tended to be that Catholics generally don’t know Jesus as their personal savior and hence are not “real Christians.” They would definitely admit that Catholics could be Christians, but in common speech would tend to assume that most of them aren’t. They might, for instance, say things like “I used to be Catholic, but now I’m a Christian,” or ask people to pray for the salvation of Catholic relatives. However, they are not as paranoid about Catholicism as fundamentalists are, and they are increasingly open to accepting Catholics as fellow-Christians based on shared witness on issues like abortion. I suspect, though I can’t prove, that they’re less anti-Catholic now than they were when I was in contact with them. Most evangelicals are.

In other words, they’re typical of conservative evangelicalism, distinct both from hardline fundamentalism and from the more moderate evangelicalism that would gladly welcome Catholics as fellow-Christians. These really are three distinct attitudes among evangelical Protestants, although they do flow into each other and have fuzzy edges.

In Christ,

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