Is it permissible to be part of a fraternity/sorority according to Catholic teaching?
I know the Church has not issued any statement, and I could see why one could be part of one, technically, without wounding their relationship with God.
Nonetheless, I think this is a very debateable question.
I was part of a fraternity when I was in college, only for about a year and 1/2 though. It is actually one of the few of my college experiences for which I feel shame and regret.
Nothing really terrible happened in it, ( unlike the many news stories you hear about) but it was the closest thing to a cult I have been part of, with a bunch of talk of “only taking the finest gentlemen” people saying being part of it was the “best part of their lives” and people who don’t seek to be part of a fraternity “aren’t real men”. Some of this and comments like it were said in jest, but at the same time I knew they must have believed them to be true if they said them at all.
This may cause concern for some here, but I was initiated into it inside of a Masonic temple. No, we did not bathe in virgin’s blood, sacrifice animals, nor did we say or engage in anything remotely blasphemous. I just know that the Catholic Church is…leery of anything masonic.
I can’t speak for all frats, ( or “fraternities” as the “bros” will insist you refer to them as), but I just thought there was a very negative atmosphere that permeated it. It encouraged clannishness, excluding others, group think, petty/small minded thinking, and punishment/coercian for those who disagreed/spoke out about things they did not like. I need to stress though, nothing illegal went on.
However, I had to leave eventually. I just thought the whole thing was too negative, unreasonable, and somewhat exploitive ( in what they demanded in terms of money/time) to really justify being part of it any longer.
After I left, I did some research which informed of the unfortunate realities of Greek Life. Apparently there is a very high rate of alcohol abuse/sexual assault, and the organizations themselves have become target defendents in lawsuits which involve sexual assault, physical assualt, slip and fall accidents, hazing and alchol abuse.
What do you all think of the morality of Greek life? Have any of you been involved in Greek life? I know there is no offical Church teaching on them, but I get the sense they do more bad than good, and I believe are somewhat tied to Freemasonry.
Any thoughts, comments?
Disclaimer: If I had ever stated even a paragraph of my above post in a Frat meeting, it would be regarded as heresy and blasphemy of the highest order.
They made it clear (After I joined) that they weren’t just a “club” and I could never truly leave it. Not sure what kind of trip they were on honestly:shrug:
I know the Church has not issued any statement, and I could see why one could be part of one, technically, without wounding their relationship with God.
Nonetheless, I think this is a very debateable question.
I was part of a fraternity when I was in college, only for about a year and 1/2 though. It is actually one of the few of my college experiences for which I feel shame and regret.
Nothing really terrible happened in it, ( unlike the many news stories you hear about) but it was the closest thing to a cult I have been part of, with a bunch of talk of “only taking the finest gentlemen” people saying being part of it was the “best part of their lives” and people who don’t seek to be part of a fraternity “aren’t real men”. Some of this and comments like it were said in jest, but at the same time I knew they must have believed them to be true if they said them at all.
This may cause concern for some here, but I was initiated into it inside of a Masonic temple. No, we did not bathe in virgin’s blood, sacrifice animals, nor did we say or engage in anything remotely blasphemous. I just know that the Catholic Church is…leery of anything masonic.
I can’t speak for all frats, ( or “fraternities” as the “bros” will insist you refer to them as), but I just thought there was a very negative atmosphere that permeated it. It encouraged clannishness, excluding others, group think, petty/small minded thinking, and punishment/coercian for those who disagreed/spoke out about things they did not like. I need to stress though, nothing illegal went on.
However, I had to leave eventually. I just thought the whole thing was too negative, unreasonable, and somewhat exploitive ( in what they demanded in terms of money/time) to really justify being part of it any longer.
After I left, I did some research which informed of the unfortunate realities of Greek Life. Apparently there is a very high rate of alcohol abuse/sexual assault, and the organizations themselves have become target defendents in lawsuits which involve sexual assault, physical assualt, slip and fall accidents, hazing and alchol abuse.
What do you all think of the morality of Greek life? Have any of you been involved in Greek life? I know there is no offical Church teaching on them, but I get the sense they do more bad than good, and I believe are somewhat tied to Freemasonry.
Any thoughts, comments?
Disclaimer: If I had ever stated even a paragraph of my above post in a Frat meeting, it would be regarded as heresy and blasphemy of the highest order.
They made it clear (After I joined) that they weren’t just a “club” and I could never truly leave it. Not sure what kind of trip they were on honestly:shrug: