More Eucharistic processions

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They’ve already started reporting about LGBTQ Pride events in the news and it seems to last throughout the spring and summer from one city to the next. We need more Catholic parades, public celebrations and Eucharistic processions, especially around the Feast of Corpus Christi — with chant, incense, the works. How do we get Catholic culture back in the forefront? Or do we have to go into hiding for a while because of the clergy child abuse scandals?
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How do we get Catholic culture back in the forefront?
I don’t know what Catholic culture is .

When Jesus was asked : “What must we do to do the works God requires?” he answered : “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.”

I’m in our parish’s SVP conference .

One of the works of mercy we do is to visit people in nursing homes .

People take notice . The staff know where we come from and why we are there .

Perhaps in their minds is left a gentle thought that “Well these Catholics care for the elderly and sick . Their faith isn’t all about doing stuff in a church building .”

A seed may have been planted .

I’m sure our faithful living out of the Gospel message will be more effective than parading around the streets in processions , though they do have a place occasionally , and when they do they need to be done in the right spirit as the one below was in Liverpool last September .
Sunday's Eucharistic Procession in Liverpool Spirituality
The last few days have seen the first National Eucharistic Congress in the country since 1908. It took place in Liverpool , and this afternoon there was a Eucharistic Procession through the streets of the city ending at the cathedral . Cardinal Vincent Nichols said the procession was undertaken in a spirit of “prayer and penance” following recent clerical child abuse scandals. “There is not one iota of pride or triumphalism in our steps.” [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image]
I don’t know what Catholic culture is .
Christmas, Easter, those are well known examples. These are fading in prominence, especially the message under the advertising, and in the summer we get a wave of Pride parades. I don’t think we need to be that ostentatious but the public space is highly influential and if it promotes vice, it’s harmful to everyone. Private works of mercy, practicing virtue in personal relationships is of course necessary, commendable and the normal way to live a life of grace. That doesn’t mean we should concede the culture completely to sin. The Eucharistic Congress is a good example of Catholic culture.
A Eucharistic procession makes sense to me if it is for adoration. However, parading the Body of Christ on the streets of most cities, in front of unbelievers, would be merely a spectacle and therefore lacking reverence, in my opinion.

It would be fine if Catholic parishes or other Catholic groups (pro-life, Knights of Columbus, groups serving the needy, Catholic youth) marched in city/town parades which are open to local groups. If done well, that could be good publicity for the Catholic Church and may plant seeds of faith.
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