That article by Aquinas dragged on and on while I read it. But it is based on his theory of predestination, which in turn in a denial of free will. If I am free not to sin, it is POSSIBLE for me to go throughout life without sinning. That’s the most basic concept about free will that we all knew when we got the capacity around 7 years old
Well, I’m sorry to say that that’s a flawed understanding of free will, or at least an incomplete one.
Let’s break down how an act of free will occurs:
First, an
image of something, such as a desire for some pleasure, is presented by the imagination to the intellect. The intellect, which is ordered toward the
truth, looks at the image and considers the aspects of that thing, including the good or evil that is in it.
A properly formed and undarkened intellect is immediately capable of seeing if that image is evil.
Then, the intellect presents the image along with this additional information to the will, to make a choice about the image: to accept or reject it. The will is properly ordered toward the
good, and so, properly speaking, it cannot choose evil. Therefore, if the image which the intellect presents is evil, the will cannot choose that evil directly, BUT (big but) the will can choose to focus only on the good aspects of the image, ignoring the evil.
When the will does this, it does violence to the intellect, darkening it, and over the course of time, if the will habitually chooses evil by looking at it as good, the intellect no longer can see it properly; that is, the
intellect is damaged in its function of seeing the truth. And as this happens, it becomes easier and easier for the will to continue sinning.
OK, now back to free will. Because of the Fall of Adam, we are all born with our intellects already darkened. Because of concupiscence, our appetites constantly present images, temping us with many “good” things which actually contain evil. We choose evil willingly.
The fact that we have free will is not compromised by the fact that our intellect is darkened, though it can be said that our freedom is limited, because in a sense we lack “all the information”.
Ultimately, it comes down to this: because of the Fall, the darkening of the intellect, and concupiscence, we are completely incapable of avoiding sin entirely for an extended period of time. We need the help of God’s grace to avoid sin and grow in holiness.